HAPPENING TONIGHT: Collegiate Day of Prayer Is Here After Year of Revival from Asbury to FSU

by Pelican Press
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HAPPENING TONIGHT: Collegiate Day of Prayer Is Here After Year of Revival from Asbury to FSU

Christians across the nation are uniting today in a movement of prayer to see revival spread across college campuses and universities.

The Collegiate Day of Prayer kicks off on February 29th and 4,190 campuses have been adopted in prayer by 2,427 churches, ministries, and individuals.

“We are so expectant for all that God wants to do on college campuses across America as the Body of Christ unites in prayer for revival and spiritual awakening amongst 20 million students on 4,200 college campuses,” Thai Lam, with the CDOP, told CBN News in an emailed statement. 

This year marks the 201st anniversary of the day of prayer to unite multi-generations to pray for the lost at universities and colleges. 

CLICK HERE to WATCH the Livestream of the Annual Collegiate Day of Prayer Simulcast from Baylor University on Thursday, February 29th at 7:00pm CT

“When believers unite in prayer, everything changes,” reads a statement from the CDOP website. “Throughout American history, college campuses have repeatedly been transformed by seasons of spiritual awakening. The key to these awakenings was fervent, united prayer.”

Last year’s Collegiate Day of Prayer was held at the end of the public revival services that took place at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky.

FEBRUARY 2023: Final Asbury Revival Event Coincides with Collegiate Day of Prayer

What began as a typical on-campus worship meeting broke out into a 16-day outpouring of the Holy Spirit that made national headlines and changed countless lives. 

“Over the last few weeks, we have been honored to steward and host services and the guests who have traveled far and wide to attend them,” said Asbury University President Kevin J. Brown at the time. “The trajectory of renewal meetings is always outward—and that is beginning to occur. We continue to hear inspiring stories of hungry hearts setting aside daily routines and seeking Christ at schools, churches, and communities in the U.S. and abroad.” 

***’Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!’ The Final Night of the Asbury Awakening and What Comes Next***

That Spirit-led movement of revival spread across the U.S. last year and even abroad—and it is continuing a year later.

As CBN News reported, just last week thousands of college students at Florida State University in Tallahassee were touched by the Spirit of God.

As the students gathered to worship and seek Jesus, hundreds came to repentance and were immediately baptized on campus. 

CLICK HERE to WATCH the Livestream of the Annual Collegiate Day of Prayer Simulcast from Baylor University on Thursday, February 29th at 7:00pm CT

New York Times best-selling Christian author and founder of IF:Gathering Jennie Allen shared on Instagram a video of students being baptized in the university’s Westcott Fountain last Thursday night. 

“It’s happening again! FSU Baptisms!  Hundreds maybe a thousand students came forward to trust Jesus. We can’t explain what’s happening apart from the Spirit,” she wrote. 

In another post, she explained, “4,500 Florida State University (one of the biggest party schools in the nation) students confessed struggles and sin tonight. Hundreds came forward to trust Christ. And this is them singing and dancing as they head to spontaneous baptisms.”

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One parent responded, “My daughter is there! She says it’s been incredible. They are hungry. And not in just a swept up in the moment way.”

Another Instagram follower wrote, “My daughter was one of the students who was baptized in the fountain that night after the conference!  Praise God!!!”

FSU is reportedly the top “party school” in the state and is the second-biggest so-called “party school” in the country, according to the website Niche which has more than a half million reviews submitted by college and university students in the U.S. 

And a similar revival broke out at Auburn University last fall.

FALL 2023  ‘A Revival Is Happening’: Hundreds Choose Christ at Auburn, Get Spontaneously Baptized in a Lake

The Auburn and FSU revivals are just the latest collegiate examples of the ongoing move of God among America’s youth. Thousands of young people rang in the New Year by passionately seeking the Lord at several meetings. 

Evangelist Matt Brown, founder of Think Eternity, reported that at the start of the year, thousands of them displayed an unwavering devotion to Jesus, packing out churches, auditoriums, and stadiums across the country to worship His Name.

“Well over 100,000 young people gathered to seek God over New Year and to ring in 2024 with revival,” he wrote on X. 

Brown’s count included 10,000 people who attended Cross Con in Kentucky in January, 13,500 who attended Strength to Stand in Tennessee during December and January gatherings, and 12,000 who attended Hearts on Fire conference last November.

It also includes the more than 55,000 young adults who gathered in Atlanta, Georgia for the Passion 2024 conference.

“Of course, there is no way to even begin to calculate the millions of people that gathered at local churches to seek God across the nation and worldwide,” Brown added. 

Christians, church leaders, and staff with CDOP believe spiritual awakening will continue strong through the rest of 2024. 

“We are praying for more,” CDOP said. “God is on the move and there are stories to tell. Today we pray, ‘God what you did in Asbury, do it again.'” 

The Collegiate Day of Prayer event will be live-streamed from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm Central from the campus of Baylor University in Waco, TX, which also witnessed signs of revival in 2023.

The event will include powerful praise and worship, intercessory prayer, and many renowned speakers. 

CLICK HERE to WATCH the Livestream of the Annual Collegiate Day of Prayer Simulcast from Baylor University on Thursday, February 29th at 7:00pm CT

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