Wizards and Unicorns? 5 Things You Won’t Believe Are In The Bible (Video)

by Pelican Press
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Wizards and Unicorns? 5 Things You Won’t Believe Are In The Bible (Video)

Even if the Bible has familiar stories known through cultural osmosis, there are many surprising elements within its pages that might be less well-known. Here are five astonishing things you might not believe are actually in the Bible.

First, the Bible references an animal called the “re’em” nine times. The precise identity of this creature is unclear, as the text lacks illustrations. Theories range from antelope to rhinoceros, with some translations even suggesting a unicorn. This interpretation has persisted in some modern Christian circles, fueling debate over the re’em’s true nature.

Second, the Bible may hint at the Earth’s shape long before it was scientifically accepted. Isaiah 40:22 mentions God sitting “above the circle of the Earth.” While “circle” is not the same as “sphere,” the Hebrew word used can also imply a vault, suggesting a three-dimensional aspect. This adds a layer of mystery about whether the Bible alluded to a spherical Earth.

Third, God’s names in the Bible are diverse and sometimes puzzling. One less common name is “El Shaddai,” used when speaking with patriarchs like Abraham. While “El” is a known term for God in ancient languages, “Shaddai” has various translations, from “mountain” to “destroyer.” This reflects the complexity and depth of divine references in the text.

Fourth, biblical marriage rules are not as straightforward as often perceived. Genesis 2:24 outlines one man and one woman, but other forms of marriage, including polygamy, are depicted without explicit prohibition. Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines, highlighting the Bible’s broader and sometimes surprising views on marital arrangements.

Lastly, biblical figures sometimes practiced what might be seen as occult rituals. High priests used divination stones called “Urim and Thummim” to discern God’s will, akin to casting lots. Additionally, the prophet Daniel, known for surviving the lion’s den, was made master over Babylonian magicians and soothsayers, indicating a complex relationship between divine wisdom and supernatural practices.

Top image: A unicorn coming out of a bible.       Source: Yuliia/Adobe Stock

By Robbie Mitchell

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