Liberals promise regional health fund to undo years of ‘neglect’ if elected

by Pelican Press
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Liberals promise regional health fund to undo years of ‘neglect’ if elected

WA Liberal candidate for Kalgoorlie Rowena Olsen says years of “neglect” in the Goldfields health system would be reversed if her party is successful in next year’s election.

Her comments follow the WA Liberals’ announcement it would establish a $400 million Regional Health Development Initiative to deliver better regional healthcare services if elected.

Ms Olsen said regional health infrastructure was “well below” what regional people deserved.

“For too long we have seen neglect in our local health systems with delay after delay in vital upgrades in our hospitals and health services across our region,” she said.

“With additional funding, we will ensure key projects such as the Laverton Hospital upgrade and much-needed ongoing improvements to Kalgoorlie hospital will be delivered.”

WA Liberal leader and shadow health minister Libby Mettam said Labor had failed regional health and the proposed RHDI would invest in the areas that needed it most.

“In regions with sparse populations spread over vast distances, this fund will give financial support to develop healthcare facilities, ensuring that all Western Australians — regardless of their location — have access to high-quality healthcare,” she said.

“This fund will help improve the overall well-being and sustainability of regional communities, reducing disparities between urban and regional health services.

“Often, regional patients are forced to travel long distances, such as leaving home for Perth to get treatment, which can result in delays in care and add to the emotional burden — this fund will help change that.”

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