11 Levels in Astro Bot We Want to Explore More Of

by Pelican Press
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11 Levels in Astro Bot We Want to Explore More Of

One of the titles that Team Asobi has just released is easily nominable as one of the games of the year. Astro Bot revitalizes a previously neglected gaming genre by introducing a wide range of innovative and immensely enjoyable mechanics for 3D platformers.

However, another outstanding feature of this game is its sublime level design, with each level crafted with incredible care and detail to fully take advantage of the DualSense’s features. These are the 11 Astro Bot levels you must play.

11. Trunk of Funk

Trunk of Funk giant tree in Astro Bot.
Trunk of Funk is a very musical level with amazing mechanics. Image via InvadeAndRaid YouTube Channel.

Like most of the levels on this list, Trunk of Funk introduces one of the many unique and fun mechanics the game has.

In several of the levels in Team Asobi’s title, the studio implemented power-ups with a time limit to help players get through the level. In this particular level, the player can absorb certain liquids to create a temporary platform.

The level’s beauty and mechanics make it one of the game’s most enjoyable and visually appealing. Thanks to the DualSense, you can feel the grass throughout the level, and a giant tree’s singing provides a melodic background.

This level is part of the Tentacle System. High elevations and platforms are key elements to reaching the end of this stage.

10. Bathhouse Battle

Bathhouse Battle gigantic sponge Astro bathing.
You can literally go giant in Bathhouse Battle level in Astro Bot. Image via Doctor Doze YouTube Channel.

Once again betting on completely original mechanics for Astro Bot levels, Bathhouse Battle allows the player to literally turn into a sponge. This means you can absorb a large amount of water, greatly increasing your size and allowing you to break almost any structure in the level.

This mechanic makes the entire level a fun romp as you break everything in your path.

The level’s design incorporates enemies that are fire flames, defeatable only by dousing them in sponge body water.

Combining this type of mechanic with a level reminiscent of a Japanese bathhouse makes for one of the game’s most engaging and unique experiences. Even the secrets hidden throughout the level are incredibly enjoyable to find and discover.

9. Going Loco

LocoRoco bot in action in Astro Bot.
The homage level to LocoRoco in Astro Bot is insane. Image via Ben-Gun YouTube Channel.

One of the outstanding things about Astro Bot is its constant homage to all the characters that have passed through PlayStation history. One particular level is a full tribute to the popular title LocoRoco, created by Patapon.

In Going Loco, the development team decided to fully emulate LocoRoco’s gameplay, where the player must use the DualSense to move the ball that Astro has turned into in order to complete the level.

This level is extremely colorful and fun to experience. Once again, the development team transforms Astro Bot’s mechanics into a spectacular tribute to LocoRoco.

This attention to detail is truly impressive and only strengthens the studio’s outstanding work on a game that is one of the best 3D platformers in recent years. It even rivals the level design of any Mario game on Nintendo.

8. Fan Club

Astro jumping into a fan.
Fan Club has a unique gameplay mechanic that is very fun. Image via Doctor Doze YouTube Channel.

Players can access certain bonus levels by searching for a portal to the Lost Galaxy levels. Game mechanics like Fan Club are unique and intriguing. The DualSense triggers in this level activate and deactivate a variety of fans.

To propel themselves into the air, players can lower the fan by pressing and releasing a trigger.

The Lost Galaxy levels are usually shorter than normal, but Fan Club is still a highly original and entertaining level to play, thanks to the fan mechanic. This is all over the level, and it invites the player to experiment with different possibilities.

7. Splashing Sprint

Splashing Spring dodging fire in Astro Bot.
Splashing Spring is one of the most difficult levels in Astro Bot. Image via Gaming Fight Club YouTube Channel.

After passing through the Gorilla Nebula, each of the four remaining galaxies contains Void levels, which are by far the hardest in the game. These levels are generally short and prioritize the player’s speed to avoid dying and starting over.

One of the most challenging yet fun of these levels is Splashing Sprint, which combines several mechanics and forces the player to have perfect timing.

From cooling down lava to create temporary paths to jumping, this level is one of the most difficult in the game. It will require the player to adapt to the various obstacles that appear, making it genuinely difficult to reach the end and rescue the bot.

Despite the challenge, this is one of the most fun and well-designed levels for players seeking a platforming challenge.

6. Go-Go! Archipelago

The monkey hands in Go-Go! Archipelago level.
The monkey hands are the key of this level. Image via iamhijak YouTube Channel.

This level employs a mechanic unique to the game. Astro’s Playroom first introduced this mechanic, which now spans an entire level.

It entails controlling a monkey with arms, where each trigger controls a grip on specific ledges. To ascend, players must tilt the DualSense.

In Go-Go! Archipelago, players will traverse the whole level using this mechanic, which is truly enjoyable. The ability to use these hands to throw objects and break walls adds to the dynamic, allowing players to discover hidden areas and secrets.

A mini-boss battle at the end of the level adds to the fun, making excellent use of this versatile mechanic.

5. Dude Raiding

Nathan Bot in Astro Bot Dude Raiding level.
A beautiful and nostalgic trip into the Uncharted saga in Astro Bot. Image via Trophygamers YouTube Channel.

This level, which draws inspiration from one of PlayStation’s most iconic characters, pays homage to Tomb Raider and the Uncharted series.

This isn’t the first level inspired by a well-known Sony franchise, but it’s not just about the gameplay—the mechanics themselves adapt to honor the series.

The level isn’t only well-designed, but the music also matches the action-adventure tone that has made Uncharted so popular on PlayStation. The team took all the best mechanics from those games and seamlessly integrated them into Astro Bot‘s gameplay.

Offering a nostalgic yet enjoyable experience, this level is perfect for fans of the franchise, and it even includes some hidden secrets to unlock.

4. Spooky Time

Spooky Time using Slo-Mo power to defeat enemies.
Spooky Time mixes two key a fun mechanics. Image via David Jaffe YouTube Channel.

Spooky Time combines two of the game’s most fun and original mechanics. On one hand, players can slow down time to defeat enemies and access specific areas.

In addition, this level features an intriguing mechanic where players use a light bulb to reveal invisible or ghostly platforms, fitting perfectly with the level’s spooky theme.

These elements come together to create a horror-themed level focused on timing. When slowing time, players must be careful to use different platforms and objects to access hidden areas.

This is one of the game’s unique levels, and the combination of these mechanics makes it a highly recommended experience in Astro Bot. You can also check out the guide on how to get to all the collectable locations for Spooky Time.

3. Downsize Surprise

Being little while going through the Downsize surprise level.
Being little is always fun in Astro Bot. Image via Doctor Doze.

The game introduces a unique mechanic that appears only once. This is understandable, as it’s difficult to adapt this particular mechanic to another level.

In Downsize Surprise, players can literally change their size at will to access small areas and find all kinds of collectibles. This mechanic is incredibly engaging to use throughout the level, and the level design is perfect for player enjoyment.

The level design in Downsize Surprise is well-thought-out, allowing players to enjoy the size-changing mechanic in a very original way. This type of idea is part of the game’s identity.

2. Slo-Mo Casino

Defeating an enemy in Slo-Mo Casino in Astro Bot.
Slo-Mo Casino is one of the most original levels in Astro Bot. Image via SpiderSingh YouTube Channel.

This is the first level in Slo-Mo Casino to implement the time-slowing mechanic. The team’s great achievement lies in designing the entire level to fully utilize this ability.

From the moment the player lands in this level, they can start using the ability to slow down time and access hidden areas filled with collectibles.

Once inside the casino, the full potential of this level shines. To unlock certain items, players will even have to stop slot machines. This power extends beyond the fast-moving platforms and other elements to defeat even the enemies.

Team Asobi shows why this game is being considered one of the best of the year, and its level design is top-notch.

1. Bot of War

God of War level opening a chest in Astro Bot.
God of War is the best homage that is in all of the Astro Bot experience. Image via Dan Allen Gaming YouTube Channel.

Since the game is centered around the PlayStation universe, creating an entire level inspired by God of War was one of the studio’s great choices.

In this level, Astro turns into Kratos and uses his signature weapon, the axe, to defeat various enemies. The iconic music of this incredibly successful Sony franchise accompanies all of this.

The icy setting also adds to the theme, but one of the most entertaining and authentic homages is the inclusion of Odin’s ravens, which players can find and destroy throughout the level.

These types of details are what make this game so worthwhile, and the love the studio poured into this God of War tribute is truly remarkable.

What’s your favorite Astro Bot level? Let us know in the comments!

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