Latest Patch is Bridging the Unnecessary Helldivers 2 vs Space Marine 2 Divide

by Pelican Press
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Latest Patch is Bridging the Unnecessary Helldivers 2 vs Space Marine 2 Divide

For the past few months, Helldivers 2 has been stumbling and fumbling like a heavy drinker on a Friday evening, much to the community’s frustration. Meanwhile, Space Marine 2 has been steadily growing in popularity following its record-breaking launch, leading some to draw unsavory comparisons between the two games and speculate that the former may be on its way out.

A still from Helldivers 2, featuring a group of Terminids.
A group of Terminids in Helldivers 2 – Image Credit: Arrowhead Game Studios.

However, the recent patch for Arrowhead’s game has brought about a much-needed change. Not only did it address several player complaints, but it also helped to bridge the divide between the two gaming communities, with the community simply appreciating what each game has to offer without the need for comparison.

Helldivers 2 vs. Space Marine 2 Is a Comparison That Simply Shouldn’t Exist

A still from Space Marine 2, featuring the game's PVP mode.
Space Marine 2’s intense PVP mode – Image Credit: Saber Interactive.

The comparisons between the two started for several reasons. Both games have come out in the same year, both fall into the sci-fi action genre, and each offers a somewhat similar co-op experience.

So, for many people, it seemed rather natural to compare the two, especially as Space Marine 2 enjoyed instant success while Helldivers 2 was facing a steady decline in engagement.

But it’s important to understand that, realistically, the comparisons between the two games are only surface-level at best. Each game’s styles and structure differ considerably, meaning direct comparisons only serve to muddy the waters rather than highlight each title’s strengths.

Thankfully, the latest Helldivers 2 patch has come to save us all from these comparisons. The developers at Arrowhead have addressed some of the biggest issues players had with the game, reworking armor penetration, adjusting enemy health and armor, and making strategic rebalancing decisions across more than 30 weapons and stratagems.

This update demonstrates a scrupulous attention to balance, which most players have noticed and appreciated, leading to a resurgence in the game’s player count.

Johan Pilestedt even spoke about the two games coexisting harmoniously, emphasizing that both titles offer unique experiences that players can enjoy without needing to choose one over the other.

byu/WithGrit07 from discussion

What’s great is that much of the community now agrees with the man, highlighting why people can enjoy both the games without comparisons:

byu/WithGrit07 from discussion

Many thank him for the new patch and agree that all of us should simply enjoy both games for what they are:

byu/WithGrit07 from discussion

All that’s left is for Arrowhead to maintain this momentum and keep Helldivers 2 alive.

With Arrowhead Gaining Back Its Momentum, What’s Next in Store for Helldivers 2?

A still from Helldivers 2, featuring a player character in battle.
A Helldiver in battle – Image Credit: Arrowhead Game Studios.

Now that the game’s player count has stabilized once more, many players are curious about the game’s future. Arrowhead Studios has demonstrated its commitment to the title with the recent patch and the 60-day plan, which promises continued improvements in the coming months.

But can Helldivers 2 sustain this momentum long-term? Well, at this point, the success of this game is more about consistency and community engagement than it is about competing with other co-op shooters.

With the introduction of new content, further weapon balancing, and hopefully even more expansions down the road, the game could keep players engaged for the foreseeable future. But one wrong move from Arrowhead, and we may see all the work becoming undone.

At the end of the day, though, perhaps we should simply appreciate what both games bring to the table for now. Each game has its own strengths, and with both titles thriving, there’s really no need to pit them against each other.

What are your thoughts on Helldivers 2 after the latest patch? Did you find all those comparisons unnecessary as well? Let us know in the comments below.

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