Prioritizing Creativity Over Cash in a High-Stakes Industry Is The New Approach With Hi-FI Rush 2

by Pelican Press
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Prioritizing Creativity Over Cash in a High-Stakes Industry Is The New Approach With Hi-FI Rush 2

Tango Gameworks has been through a rollercoaster of emotions this past few months from being shut down by Microsoft and crushing the dreams of creating more unique gaming experiences. Fortunately, amidst all the chaos and confusion, Krafton was the beacon of hope for the studio, and saved them from foreclosure and the acquisition gave them a second chance to carry on their work.

A screenshot from Hi-Fi Rush
The Hi-Fi Rush sequel is officially back on the cards thanks to the Krafton acquisition. Image Credit: Tango Gameworks

The reason behind Microsoft’s abrupt decision to clip the studio’s wings is still unknown and it raised a few eyebrows. However, this can be seen as a positive development now that the game developers are given a second chance to work freely with Krafton, and the company has a unique approach as to why they acquired the studio before being shut down.

Tango Gameworks Can Now Work on a Hi-Fi Rush Sequel Without Looking over Their Shoulders

The gaming community was furious after Microsoft went on an aggressive acquisition spree only to shut these studios down a few years later. The game developers of Tango Gameworks felt lost, confused, and hopeless when all of this transpired and fans were worried about the futures of the studio’s beloved gaming franchises. Fortunately, this was all a positive change of events for the studio since they are now in better hands and can freely continue their work.

Krafton made a last-minute decision to save the studio from being closed and the reason behind it is not what many would expect. The CEO of Krafton admits that the studio’s recent projects were not all that successful sales-wise; however, the passion and commitment are worth admiring and the company believes it is worth saving. Krafton is gambling on its future with this risky venture and Tango Gameworks will have to live up and earn its keep.

The gaming community loved the original Hi-Fi Rush game, and it received universal praise for its great performance after being ported to the PlayStation 5. The game may not have done all too well, which could have factored into Microsoft’s decision to shut the Tango Gameworks down; however, Krafton saw the franchise’s value and the talent behind it, which encouraged the company to step up and stand by the studio when Microsoft couldn’t.

The game industry is a cut-throat business and Krafton had the guts to bet on passion and creativity over sales. There is no telling what enough time, money, and support could have done for the Hi-Fi Rush franchise. Perhaps the sequel could have benefitted immensely from this turn of events.

Tango Gameworks’ Hi-Fi Rush 2 Is a Massive Slap to Microsoft’s Face

A cutscene from Hi-Fi Rush
Microsoft will likely punch the air if the upcoming Hi-Fi Rush sequel is successful. Image Credit: Tango Gameworks

Krafton is thinking outside the box for this recent acquisition. Most major corporations would acquire gaming studios to bolster their lineup and take full advantage of the hype and reputation. The original Hi-Fi Rush was not a financial success despite the positive reception and feedback from the gaming community.

While most companies tend to look the other way and abandon a sinking ship, Krafton wanted to see this studio carry on with its creative vision. It is a risky investment that can pay dividends with enough time and support. Krafton made a wise move to save the developers, especially amidst the public outcry which earned them the goodwill of the gaming community.

Video games can be a hit-and-miss, and not everything will pan out the way the developers expect, which is not entirely their fault. Microsoft refused to support this idea and prefers to bet on projects with great potential for becoming a financial success whereas Krafton wants to help preserve the legacy.

Tango Gameworks is given a second chance to carry on their work. The Hi-Fi Rush sequel can be the studio’s redemption and slap to the face of Microsoft executives.

Are you excited about Hi-Fi Rush 2? Let us know in the comments section below!

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