Ex-Cop Now Battles Supernatural, Demons: ‘Worst Evil That You Can Imagine’

by Pelican Press
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Ex-Cop Now Battles Supernatural, Demons: ‘Worst Evil That You Can Imagine’

A former New York City police officer has transitioned from fighting crime on the streets to battling spiritual evil.

Chris DeFlorio, author of “Called Into Darkness: Two NYC First Responders Battle the Supernatural,” is using his investigative skills to help people who believe they’re facing demonic forces.

DeFlorio and his wife, Harmony, run New York Demonic Investigation, an organization that seeks to explore these potential scenarios. He’s using the skills learned during his 20 years in law enforcement to provide spiritual freedom for those who seek his help.

“I worked with the NYPD for 20 years, and, in that kind of work, you see the worst evil that you can imagine,” he said. “You’re seeing a lot that most people, thankfully … don’t have to see.”

Over time, DeFlorio said he began to wonder “what’s behind this evil” he observed on the streets. Watch him explain:

“You’re seeing these really dark events happen, and, being a Christian, you start to see things from two worldviews, not just the physical worldview, but the spiritual.”

DeFlorio continued, “I had specific events happen to me during my midnight patrol years right after I became a Christian that really woke … me up into the spiritual world of good and evil directly, tangibly, and that sent me on a journey into where we are today.”

The former cop recalled one night when he was still on the police force. He was called to the scene of a building where a woman was threatening to jump.

As a brand new Christian, he was on fire for God, so when he saw the woman pacing back and forth with disheveled hair, he said, “Ma’am, God loves you, and this isn’t what He would want for you.’”

He said the woman chillingly turned to him in an otherworldly voice and said, “God doesn’t even know who you are.” DeFlorio immediately paused, stunned to observe both the voice and the jittery nature of the woman’s eyes — something he has now seen many times.

Listen to them on the latest episode of “Quick Start”

“When I started getting into this field and God, I believe, calling me into this, there’s something about the eyes,” he said. “There’s a blackness and an evil that, again, you really can’t describe unless you see it and I saw it in that woman’s eyes.”

He and another officer ended up praying for the woman. Events like that shaped DeFlorio, though he said a trip to Africa was the real turning point for him.

“When I took a missionary trip to Africa, I felt God calling me there,” he said. “I was helping at a school and when I saw this possessed man … in the marketplace, and, again, those eyes and something happened there and I knew that really woke me up.”

Something about the encounter led him to dive deeper into spiritual warfare when he got back to America. Before long, he and Harmony started their ministry — a journey he details in “Called Into Darkness: Two NYC First Responders Battle the Supernatural.”

Watch here for the full story.

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