Why Gaming On Your Own Terms Is So Important

by Pelican Press
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Why Gaming On Your Own Terms Is So Important

Do you remember that game you purchased only because it was on sale? You played it for an hour at most before it went to your gaming backlog? Yeah, so do I. Most of us gamers will relate to this.

With so many video game releases in a year, and the ability to buy new titles in a heartbeat, backlogs are not uncommon. The trouble, however, begins when we start feeling guilty about our backlog. Let me tell you why it doesn’t have to be so, and why you deserve to game on your terms.

Why the Term Gaming Backlog Doesn’t Make Sense

An in-game screenshot of Black Myth: Wukong, a game that caused a lot of gamers to face Gaming Backlogs.
When Black Myth: Wukong was released many players ditched whatever they were playing to see what the monkey could do. Image Credits: Game Science.

Consider a scenario: you see a game you had on your wishlist or is going for a lot less than it usually does. Either way, you pull the trigger and now, have it in your library.

However, the game may be snoozefest for you, you may find it intolerable, or its enjoyability tanks for you as you progress. Another possibility is that you might find yourself going through a hectic spell and can’t game. It might also be that you are swept off your feet by another latest release and hence, you are now playing (and enjoying it instead).

In all of these scenarios trust me when I say it is okay. Unless you are constantly buying new games, not playing them, and struggling with your finances, it doesn’t matter.

An in-game screenshot of Dead Island 2 showing the player going against a brute zombie.
I played Dead Island 2 for a couple of hours at most, until I didn’t feel like doing so and that’s okay! Image Credits: Deep Silver.

Most of us have booted up dozens of games for the first time after buying them but have never touched them again for reasons that can be profound or silly. It’s okay, all of it.

However, the problem begins when we start hitting ourselves with a stick for not tending to our gaming backlogs. Why? Because not only is gaming meant solely for us to destress from the vicissitudes of life but, there are enough stressful avenues in life.

Life is the very manifestation of the word ‘unpredictable’. Remember why you first got into games? It wasn’t because you wanted to brag about that platinum trophy or a Soulslike no-hit run or that fancy competitive rank in your favorite PvP game. Not at all. It was about one thing and one thing only: fun!

If you feel like gaming, do it! If not, that’s fine too! The only question you need to ask yourself is: are you having fun? If yes, by all means, go on, if no, switch it up for god’s sake! Gaming should always be on your terms and enjoyed the way you want to experience it.

Life is too short for feeling guilty about something that is supposed to be fun, which brings me to my second point: it doesn’t matter if you find your fun somewhere else.

Don’t Treat Gaming Like Work, It Will Only Result in Gamer Rage and Get Boring

An in-game screnshot of the Ghost of Tsushima, one of the best Sony exclusives to come out recently.
Gaming can feel like a chore sometimes but it doesn’t have to, you and only you will decide how you want to destress after a long day. Image Credits: Sony Interactive Entertainment.

It doesn’t take a wise man to figure out that only a select few people are blessed enough to ‘enjoy’ their work. For most people, work is something that needs to be done, period. It is stressful and can feel like a chore at times.

Usually, work is also competitive enough for the average person. There are enough days in your life when you need to push yourself to get work done. Don’t push yourself to the game, too, because if you do and you don’t enjoy your time, you can only experience gaming rage.

Treat gaming as a conscious decision you make because you want to, because it recharges you, and not only because you have now bought a game, and you need to play. While it is perfectly normal to want to finish a game, do not feel obligated to.

An in-game screenshot of Bloodborne showing the player wielding a bow and arrow.
The best games engross you and with them, you won’t have to deal with boredom because of the sheer enjoyment. Image Credits: Sony Interactive Entertainment.

With the state of the video game industry, the game should be the one to suck you in. If it doesn’t, too bad, you move on to the next. Additionally, if you feel like you want to take an extended break from gaming, you are entitled to do that. After work or after a stressful day, do literally whatever makes you happy!

Revisit a comfort game if you want, if you think a game deserves another second of your time, give it another go, or don’t game at all. You don’t owe anyone apart from yourself a thing when it comes to your idea of fun.

Lastly, if you see your attention span getting tainted by short-form content and multiplayer games, check out this editorial on how to enjoy single-player games again.

Do you also feel pressured to tend to your gaming backlog? Does the gamer rage get to you or do you feel bored of gaming? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

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#Gaming #Terms #Important

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