Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster: How to Kill Cliff

by Pelican Press
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Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster: How to Kill Cliff

Working your way through Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster and wondering how to kill Cliff Hudson, the hulking Psychopath? This particular boss can be challenging for many due to the many tactics implemented by the war veteran, making him one of the most difficult bosses in the game.

The battle taking place inside of a cluttered store adds to the challenge, making it even an intense battle for newcomers and people who have played the 2006 release. If this boss has been giving you trouble, our Dead Rising walkthrough will show you how to defeat Cliff and get his weapon too!

Who is Cliff Hudson and Where to Find Him in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster?

Cliff Hudson walking towards Frank while holding his bloody machete.
Cliff Hudson looks even scarier in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster. | Credits: YouTube – Manga Bros

You’ll first hear about this Psychopath from Otis Washington, who describes Cliff as a “big dude carryin’ a machete” in Crislip’s Home Saloon in the North Plaza. This Psychopath in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster will appear in the late morning of the second day. This Psychopath has also captured several survivors, so beating him is very beneficial.

While Cliff may appear to be dangerous, and he is, his story is unfortunately one of the more tragic ones in the game. He’s a war veteran who is currently in the throes of a PTSD flashback where he believes Frank to be a member of the Viet Cong. Not only is his current state one that evokes sympathy, but his cause for the flashback is just as tragic.

Cliff entered this state when he heard the dying screams of his granddaughter as she was mutilated by the zombies. Experiencing such trauma made him insane. While he will be very aggressive during the fight, he will also be the one to give you the key needed to free three survivors and bring them back to the Security Room.

What Weapons to Use Against Cliff?

Frank showing how to kill Cliff in Dead Rising using the chainsaw.
The Chainsaw can be a useful weapon, but make sure you start it with enough space between yourself and Cliff. | Credits: YouTube – Manga Bros

If you’re going for a melee strategy, you should look at picking up the battle axe, katana, or the small chainsaw. All three are great damage dealers, and the katana and chainsaw will also let you attack with speed. You can also find a regular chainsaw in the store, but make sure you rev it up when you’re at a safe distance, Cliff, as the startup animation takes a bit. You can also use the excavators in the back of the room as emergency weapons.

A ranged strategy would make this fight much easier, especially if you get your hands on a shotgun. For a traditional ranged fight, get on top of the shelving units and use them as a vantage point from which to fire at Cliff. You can continue to fire at Cliff even when he’s running back to the access tunnel.

With a shotgun, you can catch Cliff in a staggered loop, as every shot makes him drop to one knee. Step back, wait for him to get up, and then shoot him again. If he closes the distance, run away a bit and bait out an attack. Avoiding the attack should give you enough time to fire a shot and restart the loop.

How to Kill Cliff in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster?

Frank navigating the top of the shelves as he is working his way closer to Cliff.
The fight won’t happen just on the floor, so watch your footing! | Credits: YouTube – Manga Bros

The fight will start when you walk into Crislip’s Home Saloon and Cliff will immediately demand to know your name and rank, addressing you as “soldier.” From here, the fight will begin, and the player really needs to stay on their toes and know which weapons to use to deal the most damage and take down this difficult Psychopath.

Cliff will use the many shelves in the area to his advantage, as he can then sneak up behind Frank and impale him with his machete. He will also lob flares and pipe bombs from above, with the former making Frank stagger and the latter dealing much damage.

As soon as the initial cutscene ends, Cliff will run up behind Frank to slash him with his blade. This attack can be avoided by moving forward and then turning around to get a few hits in with your hands or whatever weapon you have at hand. Hit him once or twice and then move away as he will begin his counterattack. Avoid swinging at him when you get up from being hit by him, as he will simply knock you back down again.

After being hit a few times, Cliff retreats to an access tunnel passage in the floor. This is a Photo Op to earn prestige points to level up. Cliff will now reappear on top of the shelves but remains immobile and can be attacked using a ranged weapon.

The most consistent way to lure Cliff towards Frank is to stand beside the Shopping Carts near the entrance. As long as you dodge his projectiles, he will eventually run up to you. Exiting the store and then entering will also cause Cliff to charge at you, creating an opportunity to sneak in some melee hits.

After taking him down, Cliff will explain his backstory and also give you the Empty Store Key, where Frank will find three survivors: Barbara Patterson, Josh Manning, and Rich Atkins. Those are our Dead Rising tips to take down Cliff!

Which boss has given you the most trouble in the game? Let us know in the comments below and check out our other Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster guides to ace your shopping mall survival journey!

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