How to Kill Jo the Cop

by Pelican Press
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How to Kill Jo the Cop

Has the question of how to kill Jo the Cop in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster been knocking about in your head for some time? We don’t blame you; the game has several bosses, which can be quite difficult to take down as they utilize several weapons and take advantage of their surroundings in their fight against Frank.

Jo Slade, the errant law enforcement officer, is one of the biggest enemies Frank will face in his time in the shopping mall, and this makes her a threat. While she is not fast, she can dish out some decent damage. Additionally, it’s not only your health you need to worry about in this fight, so follow along with this Dead Rising walkthrough to come out of this fight the victor.

Who is Jo Slade, and Where Can She Be Found?

Jo Slade standing next to a survivor tied to a chair in Dead Rising.
Jo is one of the few truly evil bosses in the entire game.

Frank will get to encounter Jo Slade on the afternoon of the second day as part of the Above the Law scoop. She is located in the Lovely Fashion House in Wonderland Plaza, and the Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster scoop will be activated only when the player sets foot in this location and triggers the cutscene introducing Jo.

Jo Slade appears to be either a part of the mall’s security team or a Police Officer in Willamette, Colorado. We give these two options as certain aspects of her character suggest she could be one or the other. Her badge states Security Enforcement Officer, implying she is a mall cop, and her uniform does not match those worn by other police officers who have turned into zombies. However, her dialogue and her notebook suggest she is here in official police business.

Either way, this officer is doing very little to enforce the law. With zombies shambling all over the place, it seems this cop has decided to play judge, jury, and executioner with three Survivors. All three are young women, and this appears to be her main victim demographic, as one of the Survivors hints that Jo has already murdered some other innocent people.

When you enter the Lovely Fashion House, Jo can be seen towering over Kay Nelson, a Survivor tied to the chair. She makes it clear she has very ill intentions towards the young woman and the other three trapped in the location. This makes it the biggest scoop in the game, so make sure you’re stocked up on food and health items before facing this Psychopath.

How to Kill Jo the Cop in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster?

Frank showing how to kill Jo the Cop in Dead Rising with his shotgun.
Use the display cases in the store to create space between yourself and Jo.

Jo may be the biggest enemy in the game, but her size is more intimidating than her fight. Indeed, she is considered one of the more mundane fights, with there being no real surprise or departure from a set routine of attacks and prompts. Just make sure you come with some weapons that can deal some significant damage and also a few skills that can help you avoid this Dead Rising Psychopath’s attacks.

Speaking of her attacks, they are quite easy to read and not super complex. One of her most common attacks at close range will be her kick. This is similar to Frank’s kick and can be avoided by running away as you see her lifting her leg. Jo will also swing her fist when Frank is close by to bludgeon him. This is a slow attack but hits hard, so be sure to dodge or run away in time.

Another slow but devastating attack is her Stun Gun. Not only will it cut down your Health blocks, but it will also knock Frank down and paralyze him for a few seconds. Jo can then close in to continue the punishment by kicking Frank in the groin and draining more life until Frank recovers. She also has a firearm she can draw and shoot if at range.

A good way to deal with this Psychopath is to bring a Shotgun to the fight. Stay just out of reach of her melee attacks, and you can consistently get shots off at close enough range to deal some decent damage. If you are going for a melee strategy, then try and have the Flying Dodge skill at hand, as it will help you clear away from her incoming attacks.

One unique aspect of this boss fight is that Jo will actively harm the hostages in the store. It’s in line with her sadistic attitude and also adds a new level of challenge for the player.

If Frank remains out of range consistently or hides for too long, she will turn her attention to the Survivors and start to whittle away at their health. So, while you know how to beat Jo the Cop, you also need to keep her attention on you so that she doesn’t kill them all.

That’s about all you need to know for how to defeat Jo the Cop in Dead Rising! Which Psychopath has given you the most difficulty so far? Let us know in the comments below and check out our other Dead Rising guides to become a master zombie slayer.

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