How to Open Entrance Plaza Gate

by Pelican Press
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How to Open Entrance Plaza Gate

Capcom does not really provide any information to its players about how to open Entrance Plaza Gate early on in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster. This may be puzzling to new players who are looking to explore the Willamette Parkview Mall as much as they can before progressing its story by taking on Cases.

Considering how Entrance Plaza is among the earliest sections of the mall that protagonist Frank West has access to, learning more about raising the shutter than prevents access to it can save you a lot of time in the long run considering that it is a limited resource in the game’s 72-hour mode.

Letting Frank Find His Footing in the Investigation

After the prologue in which you are introduced to the photo op side activity which can be very rewarding if done correctly considering it lets you unlock useful skills early on, Frank is dropped off at the mall’s helipad where he meets Carlito Keyes for the first time before making his way to the mall’s Security Room.

From here, progressing the main story through the game’s first Case brings him into contact with DHS agent Brad Garrison who is fending off attacks from an unknown shooter. After events play out, Frand and Brad decide to work together, assisting survivors while tracking down persons of interest until the second Case begins.

How to Open the Entrance Plaza Gate in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster

Frank West in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster.
Frank West’s investigation is only getting started in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster. Image Credit: Capcom.

With Frank and Brad tracking down Dr. Barnaby whom they encountered earlier, a firefight with Carlito ensues where he is revealed to have a nefarious plan in motion that Frank must attempt to thwart.

Defeating him progresses the story to Case 2, requiring Frank to return to the Security Room before 6:00 AM. Doing so triggers a cutscene which reveals more about Carlito’s intentions while opening up Case 2-2: Rescue the Professor.

This is all that is required to open up the Entrance Plaza Gate. While you may be tempted to simply rush through the story in order to get the gate open as soon as possible, we recommend taking some time to help out any Survivors you have encountered thus far and also taking care of any Scoops that are currently pending.

Most importantly, the Scoop Out of Control must be completed by 9:00 PM in Wonderland Plaza as it pits Frank against a Psychopath, Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster’s version of a boss fight. This boss drops handy weapons after he is defeated which could make your time in the mall go a lot easier.

Note that triggering the cutscene with Carlito at 6:00 AM is all that is needed to open the Entrance Plaza Gate but doing so may lock you out of any unfinished business you may still have in the mall’s early sections.

We would love to hear your thoughts on any other important items and NPCs you think Frank should pay attention to in the area. Let us know in the comments below!

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