How to Level Up Quickly

by Pelican Press
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How to Level Up Quickly

Starfield may not be on the list of Bethesda’s best games, but it has earned a stable fanbase since its launch. So, if you are already grinding the game, you must be aware that it offers loads of in-game elements that should be unlocked to make the gameplay experience smoother. Unfortunately, this unlocking process requires leveling up, and to level up players need XP. 

Fortunately, in Starfield, gaining XP is pretty easy. Almost every in-game activity provides players with some amount of XP to progress further, though the XP amount varies based on the activity. But if you are in a rush to know how to level up quickly in Starfield, this guide will help you with the most convenient methods. 

Starfield Guides: Tips for Leveling Up Faster

Leveling up is a common in-game feature in action RPGs. Starfield is no exception to this tradition. Considered one of the best Xbox RPGs to play in recent times, the game becomes tougher as players progress through it.

Therefore, you must always be ready to face new challenges with suitable skills and weapons that require you to reach specific levels and unlock them. 

Doing random activities will sometimes help you get XP, but if you want to give the process a boost, keep focusing on the tasks that are described below:

Complete Missions

Starfield protagonist completing missions.
Completing missions is one of the best ways to level up in Starfield.

This is probably the best and easiest way to grind XP and level up faster in the game. Among all the other ways, completing missions and quests gives you the most XP. Therefore, if you are in a hurry, dive into the game and complete as many missions as possible.

Completing a main story mission rewards players up to 700 XP at a time. The amount varies from mission to mission, though. In fact, if you are not willing to complete the main story missions back-to-back just to get XP, no worries; side missions also serve the purpose. They can also reward you with around 50 XP each.

Explore the In-Game World

Starfield planets as player flies in space.
You can’t randomly explore planets as often; they need you to reach a certain level to access them. 

Starfield’s in-game world is huge, with around 1000 planets to explore. The exploration and discovery process is limitless in the game, and that’s another golden opportunity for players to earn XP to level up faster without taking much stress.

Each time you visit and roam around in a location that you haven’t ever visited before, you will be rewarded with a decent amount of XP. Here the exploration doesn’t refer to grinding; just visiting a location for the first time is enough to get XP.

Well, the catch is that Planets often has pre-set level criteria that you need to fulfil to access them. 

Join Factions

in-game factions starfield.
Join Factions to access the mission boards and gain XP by completing them.

Joining a specific faction doesn’t really offer XP, but it will open up a new way to earn some more XP. If you join one or more of the Factions during your playthrough, you will get access to the Faction’s mission board. Remember, each Faction has its own separate mission board with various quests to complete.

Generally, these quests include combat, but they are not too tough to complete. As you keep completing these quests, you will get a decent amount of XP to boost your leveling-up process.

Take down Enemies

Starfield protagonist shooting enemies from a distance.
Beating enemies is one of the most effective ways to level up faster in Starfield.

No matter which game you are playing, defeating enemies will surely be one of the best ways to grind a substantial amount of XP. Each enemy kill will reward players with some XP. Therefore, find planets with loads of enemies to beat, and you will get a significant amount of XP within a few minutes. 

Main story missions and side missions also feature enemy battles to get XP. Anyway, always you probably won’t like to complete missions. In that case, exploring new planets and clearing the opponents will also be a good idea to level up faster. Well, ensure you have med-packs with you before going for fights.

Go to Bed and Sleep Well

starfield beds to rest
The game wants you to take some rest in-game and not complete missions all the time.

Like in the real world, Starfield’s in-game world also focuses on the importance of sleep. Bethesda games often include this unique method of earning XP. Resting well in Starfield grants players the Well-Rested bonus, which rewards them with an XP boost. 

Sleep for any length of time, and you will get 10% extra XP for a short period after you wake up. Therefore, the activities you do within this period, once you are awake, will get more XP than usual.

An upgrade is available here. If you get married to one of your companions during your playthrough, the Well-Rested bonus gets an increase, and now players will get 15% more XP from each activity after they rest for some time. Once again, it will work for a limited period. 

Drink Alien Tea

Starfield alien tea recipe.
This drink is one of the best XP boosters to help you a lot in the long run.

This is another XP booster players can get in-game. This XP booster gives only a small amount of XP boost, but it will be massively effective while roaming around the world and exploring new locations. 

First, make Alien Tea using 1x Distilled Water and 1x Fiber. Drinking this tea will grant a 1% extra XP boost for the next 15 minutes. It won’t make a huge change instantly, but players can use this method to get more XP from activities as many times as they want. 

These are the most effective ways to level up quickly in Starfield. Because these are not tough to understand, the leveling-up process is pretty easy in the game.

How’s your experience of playing Bethesda’s 2023 action RPG? Do share your experiences with us in the comment section! 

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