How to Make Credits Quickly

by Pelican Press
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How to Make Credits Quickly

Just like a resource management game, Starfield will depend on the number of credits the player has to purchase various upgrades if they wish to expand their ship and buy more items.

There are several ways to earn credits, but one of the most effective will always be selling rare materials. You must sell these materials to the various vendors scattered throughout the galaxy’s systems.

However, to acquire these materials, players will need to explore specific planets in search of the rarest resources using tracking technology. This is a guide on how to earn credits quickly in Starfield.

Credits Are Essential for Progression in Starfield

New Atlantis the main city in Starfield.
A guide on how to make credits quickly in Starfield.

Once the player finally reaches New Atlantis to begin the exploration adventure properly, one of the main objectives will be to pursue different ways to earn credits quickly so the player can expand their equipment.

Starfield has introduced additional features to improve the efficiency of galaxy exploration. We utilize the full potential of credits to purchase ship upgrades and space suits.

One of the benefits of credit farming early in the game is that it’s not too difficult. If the player can adapt to the loading times and learn how to navigate the menu quickly, they’ll be able to do it efficiently. One of the best and fastest ways to earn quick credits is by seeking out specific materials.

When the player finds moons or planets with this material, they can consistently sell it to various vendors to maintain a steady flow of credits, amassing a large amount in no time.

Starfield Guides: How to Make Credits Quickly

Volii vendor place.
This Volii vendor will be key to the process of making a ton of credits.

This guide will be very specific, and it will outline one way to earn a lot of credits in a short amount of time by following certain steps in Starfield.

This guide caters to players who are just beginning their journey in New Atlantis. To begin purchasing the necessary materials, you must head to Volii. Once on that planet, you’ll need to go to Neon Core.

Once on that planet, you must visit a store named Sieghart’s Outfitters. From this vendor, you’ll need to buy the following: 137 iron, 162 aluminum, 15 tungsten, 54 adaptive frames, 12 beryllium, 15 copper, 4 lubricants, and 2 zero wire.

Naturally, this vendor won’t have all these materials at once, but if you wait 48 hours, they will replenish their stock. You’ll likely need to do this several times until you can get the required number of materials.

Once you have everything you need, head to the Porrima system. In this system, you’ll want to look for places with sandy deserts. This specific biome will hide the materials you need to collect quickly for a large number of credits.

A Specific Process Can Yield Numerous Credits in a Very Short Time

Sand deserts have the best materials to harvest and sell.
This circuit will be essential to harvest plutonium in Starfield.

Once you land in these sand-filled biomes, you’ll need to scan the area to see if there’s plutonium. You might have to repeat this process multiple times until you locate a planet that contains plutonium.

Once you’ve located a plutonium-containing planet, you need to precisely position your base and ship there. This will make transportation and sales as quick as possible to keep accumulating credits.

After setting up your ship, you’ll also need to build a bench—this will be essential for the strategy of accumulating plutonium, a material that sells for a high price in Starfield.

To continue the plutonium mining process, locate five or six extractors in the mining area. Ideally, place them at the far ends of the area to create space in the middle.

After doing this, you’ll need to place five storage boxes nearby, all lined up, not stacked. Lining them up is crucial for simplifying transportation when it’s time to sell them. Different desert areas could also replicate this process.

The Circuit Will Continuously Generate Credits

Plutonium transfer container in Starfield.
Plutonium can be sold to a very good price.

Once you have this setup in place on the desert surface, you’ll need to connect everything with wires. First, connect all the extractors with wires to the first box, and then connect the boxes together until you reach the last one, which should be near a transfer container.

You’ll want to place this container as close to your ship’s base as possible. This step is necessary to concentrate all plutonium in one place without moving it between boxes.

You’ll need to power this entire process with several solar panels, which you can place near this plutonium extraction circuit. This is where the bench comes in.

If you sit on this bench, 10 hours will pass, which is equivalent to 48 hours on the vendor planet, Volii. This means the vendor will be able to buy all of your plutonium again.

You can accomplish all this without leaving your ship, and if you repeat the process for 10 hours on the bench, Volii will add another 48 hours to your time. Therefore, you can repeat this process indefinitely until you have the credits you’re looking for.

What are your thoughts on the process for earning credits in Starfield? Let us know in the comments!

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