Astro Bot was a Nostalgia Gateway Drug to PS5 Pro’s 30th Anniversary Bundle

by Pelican Press
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Astro Bot was a Nostalgia Gateway Drug to PS5 Pro’s 30th Anniversary Bundle

WTMG’s Leo Faria: “I don’t remember the last time a video game just made me smile from ear to ear, making me hope it could never end. In fact, this may be Astro Bot‘s biggest issue: it doesn’t last forever. I simply want more of it. Astro Bot is serotonin in digital form. It’s a damn near perfect platformer, with phenomenal visuals, music, level design, and much more. It made me feel nostalgic for an entire brand I didn’t even grow up with back in my childhood. Even for someone whose entire childhood was spent with Mario and Master Chief, I embraced each and every reference included in this masterpiece as if they were speaking directly to my inner eight year old. I just loved this game so damn much. Thank you, Team Asobi. You guys have simply crafted what’s possibly the PS5’s magnum opus. Nay, the generation’s magnum opus.”

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