A Month of Breakthroughs and Unexpected Shifts

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A Month of Breakthroughs and Unexpected Shifts

Astrologer Valerie Mesa shares your horoscope for October

Your October Horoscope

Your October Horoscope

The fall season is in full effect, and your October horoscope brings a whirlwind of shifts and unexpected breakthroughs.

The month begins with a solar eclipse in Libra on Oct. 2, offering a reset button for relationships, partnerships and those seeking justice. However, with Libra’s ruler, Venus, transiting through Scorpio, you can expect these shifts to carry an intense and transformative energy as Venus in Scorpio encourages us ​​to confront hidden truths and whatever’s lingering beneath the surface.

By Oct. 8, the love planet will meet with Mars in Cancer, heightening our passion and intuition while evoking a magnetic pull between our heart’s desires and the way we take action. Expect romantic relationships to take on a deeper, more nurturing tone as the Water element heightens our sensitivity and connection to others.

Powerhouse Pluto will station direct in Capricorn on Oct. 11, marking a pivotal moment of forward momentum. For the final stretch before Pluto moves into Aquarius, this transit highlights the progress we’ve made by confronting our inner shadows and transforming the structures in our lives. Whether it’s related to our sense of authority, career or how we’ve dismantled previously set traditions, Pluto direct encourages us to step into our power.

The energy continues to intensify on Oct. 14, when the sun goes head-to-head with fiery Mars, creating tension between the need for harmony and the desire to act on emotions. Venus will also oppose Uranus retrograde in Taurus, sparking unexpected shifts in finances and relationships. Don’t feel pressured to act on impulse — Venus will meet with Neptune the following day, bringing a sense of emotional healing and inspiration. 

Towards the middle of the month, Luna will reach its peak of fullness in the sign of Aries, energizing and inspiring us to act on our intuition and take decisive action. For reference, think back to the solar eclipse in Aries that took place back in April, as something is likely coming to fruition now. Venus will also debut in Sagittarius that same day, reminding us of the beauty that comes with embracing freedom and adventure in our love lives. 

Before the sun slips into smoldering Scorpio, it will square Pluto on Oct. 22, highlighting power struggles and taboo-like dynamics in the realm of relationships and finances. Mercury will also meet with Saturn in a sobering trine, urging us to remain focused and clear of deceptive energies.

On Oct. 24, Mars will harmonize with Uranus, offering innovative and perhaps unconventional solutions to long-standing challenges. This is followed by a dreamy trine to Neptune on Oct. 28, blending action with compassion.

Just in time for Halloween, Mercury will interact with rebellious Uranus on Oct. 30, bringing unexpected revelations and shifts in communication. This will be followed by a mystical trine to Neptune on the 31st. Creative and deeply intuitive, conversations are synchronistic at this time; don’t be surprised if you’re suddenly carried away by intense déjà vu.

Read on for what October has in store for your zodiac sign.

Related: All About the Libra Rising Sign: From Personality Traits to Compatibility

Aries (March 21-April 19)Horoscope Sign AriesHoroscope Sign Aries

Horoscope Sign Aries

Change is inevitable in October, Aries. Starting with a new moon solar eclipse in Libra, this super potent lunation will activate your relationship sector, giving you a fresh start regarding your commitments and partnerships. Whether romantically or professionally, this eclipse invites you to reassess and reset your approach to balance and harmony within your one-on-one connections.

On Oct. 4, Venus will meet with Saturn in a productive trine, highlighting a deepening of trust within your intimate unions, especially those of you confronting emotions and fears. Fortunately, with Venus trining your celestial ruler, Mars, shortly after, the emotional intensity will soften as it blends with a nurturing essence stemming from your home and family.

Harness the mentally stimulating energy of the Mercury-Jupiter trine on Oct. 8, as it can help you gain clarity in conversations, making it easier to resolve any lingering issues in your relationships. Jupiter will also station retrograde in your communication sector the following day, urging you to reflect on how you express yourself and perhaps even revisit important conversations from the past.

On Oct. 11, Pluto will station direct in Capricorn, bringing momentum to your 10th house of authority and reputation. This is the last time Pluto will journey through this area of your chart, and many of you have been doing the inner work, so it’s time to reap the fruits of your labor.

The moon will peak in your sign on Oct. 17, charging up your first house of identity and sense of self, encouraging you to step into the spotlight and embrace your independence. Venus will also meet with Pluto before slipping into Sagittarius, igniting deep transformations in your relationships and social circles. 

Once Venus debuts in your sister (Fire) sign, Sagittarius, you’ll feel the urge to explore new horizons and connect with people from different backgrounds. Don’t be afraid to take bold risks and step out of your comfort zone. After all, once the sun enters Scorpio, themes of transformation, intimacy and shared resources take center stage.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)Horoscope Sign TaurusHoroscope Sign Taurus

Horoscope Sign Taurus

A long-overdue lifestyle change brings the new beginning you seek, Taurus. October kicks off with a new moon solar eclipse in Libra, shaking up your sixth house of daily rituals and routine affairs, inviting you to reassess your work-life balance (or lack thereof) to encourage new habits that support you mentally and physically.

On Oct. 4, your celestial ruler, Venus, will meet with Saturn retrograde, highlighting the potential for long-term stability in your social circles and romantic partnerships. You may feel more committed to deepening emotional bonds, and with Venus trining Mars shortly after, communication will flow smoothly, which is ideal for heart-to-heart conversations with loved ones.

Before Jupiter stations retrograde on Oct. 9, Mercury will meet with the gas giant, encouraging you to reassess financial matters and how your professional life aligns with your value systems. On that note, with Jupiter backspinning through your financial sector, consider this an opportunity to reflect on how you manage your resources and whether you’re fulfilled by your earnings.

Fast forward to Oct. 11, when Pluto stations direct in Capricorn, activating your ninth house of higher learning and self-discovery. This marks the ending of a deeply transformative period, opening the door for you to expand your horizons — whether philosophically or in terms of education.

The energy heightens during the full moon in Aries on Oct. 17, charging up your 12th house of introspection and life behind the scenes. This lunation urges you to slow down and reflect on the unconscious patterns that could be influencing your decisions. In any event, this is an excellent time for emotional release.

On Oct. 14, your celestial ruler, Venus, will oppose Uranus retrograde in your sign, bringing unexpected shifts in your relationships and finances. You may feel a push to balance your personal needs with the demands of your partnerships. The good news is that with Mercury now in Scorpio, your ability to partake in taboo-like or in-depth conversation will be enhanced.

Venus will eventually slip into Sagittarius on Oct. 17, igniting your sultry eighth house of intimacy and shared resources. This is an excellent time to explore deeper emotional connections and examine your approach to joint finances and ventures. Do, however, keep an eye out for Venus’ square to Saturn (Oct. 28), as it could create tension in a friendship or group endeavor.

October comes to a close with an intriguing dance between Mercury and Neptune in your 11th house of community affairs, helping you gain clarity and insight into your future visions, specifically regarding your social networks and long-term aspirations.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)Horoscope Sign GeminiHoroscope Sign Gemini

Horoscope Sign Gemini

October’s astrology rekindles a spark in your life, Gemini. The month begins on a powerful note as a new moon solar eclipse touches down on your fifth house of passion projects and self-expression, offering a fresh start while encouraging you to dive into your creative musings.

Love planet Venus will meet with Saturn in your career sector shortly after, impacting your daily routines and sense of authority as you’re called to strike a balance between hard work and maintaining healthy boundaries in the workplace. By Oct. 8, Venus will trine Mars, signaling a time of prosperity, increase in stability and financial abundance, particularly those of you aligning your value systems with your work.

That same day, Mercury will harmonize with Jupiter in your sign, boosting your confidence and communication style; conversations can feel effortless as it is a great time to express yourself, creatively or romantically. Jupiter will also station retrograde in your sign the following day, urging you to self-reflect. Many of you will be rethinking how you present yourself to the world and perhaps even reconsider your goals regarding your personal growth.

On Oct. 11, Pluto will station direct in Capricorn, charging up your eighth house of transformation and intimate affairs. This brings clarity around deep emotional work and shared resources, as it marks a time to release old baggage to make way for growth in your personal life.

The energy peaks on Oct. 17 during the full moon in Aries, as it illuminates your 11th house of community affairs and long-term goals. You may be called to evaluate your place within a social network or perhaps reconsider a social endeavor you have in the works.

That same day, Venus will slip into Sagittarius and your committed seventh house of relationships and commitments. Beware of Venus’ square to Saturn on Oct. 28, as it may trigger challenges surrounding your professional life, social obligations and personal needs.

October comes to a close with your celestial ruler, Mercury, making an opposition to Uranus, which can bring unexpected revelations in your partnerships. The messenger planet will eventually sync up with Neptune on Halloween, encouraging deep and meaningful conversations in your relationships.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)Horoscope Sign CancerHoroscope Sign Cancer

Horoscope Sign Cancer

October is a month of profound transformation, Cancer. It starts with the new moon solar eclipse in Libra, activating your fourth house of home, family and emotional foundations. On top of a fresh start, this eclipse encourages you to re-evaluate your current living situation, family dynamics and overall well-being. It’s time to focus on creating a sense of security and balance in your personal life.

On Oct. 4, while dazzling through Scorpio and your fifth house of passion projects, Venus will sync up with Saturn retrograde, inspiring the desire for creativity and romance, whether personally or professionally. This is a period where your passions align with your long-term visions, especially in areas related to higher learning and expanding your worldview. By the 8th, Venus will meet with Mars in your sign, boosting your confidence while helping you express yourself and take action in your romantic and artistic endeavors.

Jupiter will station retrograde on Oct. 9, emphasizing your 12th house of inhibitions, privacy and unconscious patterns, making introspection a key theme. This is a time to reflect, heal and explore your inner world. After all, with Pluto stationing direct in your relationship sector on Oct. 11, expect shifts in your partnerships, as you may notice progress in areas where you’ve been working through power dynamics and deep emotional bonds.

Venus will oppose Uranus retrograde shortly after, bringing unexpected changes to your social circles or friendships. Keep an open mind, as this energy can lead to exciting new connections and opportunities.

On Oct. 17, Luna will peak in Aries, spotlighting your career, notoriety and public persona, offering you clarity and exposure in this area of your life. Who knows, you may even feel called to take bold action in your professional life. Venus will slip into Sagittarius that same day, shifting your focus to joy and freedom in the workplace.

On the dark side, however, Venus will eventually face off with Saturn (Oct. 28), testing your ability to balance responsibilities with your desire for adventure.

The month comes to a close with Mercury sitting in opposition to Uranus on Oct. 30, which can bring sudden insights or shifts regarding your creative projects and love life, followed by a peaceful trine to Neptune, granting you a sense of peace and inspiration as you wrap up the month. The key is to embrace change and remain flexible as new ideas and opportunities arise.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)Horoscope Sign LeoHoroscope Sign Leo

Horoscope Sign Leo

October will be a month of breakthroughs, Leo. It starts with a new moon solar eclipse in Libra on the 2nd, shaking up your third house of communication and immediate surroundings, making it a great time to focus on new ideas and reconnect with friends or siblings. Others of you may even enroll in a new course of study or learn something new.

On Oct. 4, Venus will meet with Saturn in your eighth house of intimate unions, encouraging you to focus on building deeper bonds or making necessary changes to your living space that could provide a sense of security. Venus will eventually meet with Mars on Oct. 8, helping you clarify what makes you feel secure as you connect and address your personal needs.

That same day, Mercury will harmonize with Jupiter, enhancing your communication skills and social status in group settings. Whether networking or gathering with your best pals, this is a great time to socialize. Jupiter will station retrograde in your 11th house of community the next day, which can reunite you with old friends and ex-colleagues who inspire you to reassess your long-term goals.  

Pluto will station direct on Oct. 11, marking the end of a period of introspection, which can lead to progress in areas where you’ve been working to improve and bring more structure to your life. Venus will also be opposing Uranus in your career sector on Oct. 14, bringing sudden shifts and surprises to your reputation and professional trajectory.

This is followed by a full moon in Aries on Oct. 17, activating your ninth house of travel, higher learning and adventure. Don’t hesitate to embrace new perspectives and possibilities, as unexpected developments may arise. Venus will also slip into Sagittarius that same day, igniting your creative fifth house of romance and passion projects. There is beauty in spontaneity. 

October ends with an unpredictable Mercury-Uranus opposition on Oct. 30, bringing surprising insights and changes to your home and career sector. Keep an open mind and embrace the shifts occurring in these areas of life.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)Horoscope Sign VirgoHoroscope Sign Virgo

Horoscope Sign Virgo

October begins with an emphasis on your finances and value systems, Virgo. The solar eclipse on Oct. 2 will shake up your second house of money and security, making it a perfect time to reassess your earnings and spending habits while considering new ways to improve your income.

On Oct. 4, Venus will meet Saturn in your relationship sector, bringing a sense of stability to your exchanges and relationships. Whether discussing the future with a significant other or solidifying your role within a group setting, this transit offers the opportunity to build trust and security in your close connections.

Your celestial ruler, Mercury, will meet with lucky Jupiter shortly after, giving you a boost in your career and public image. This is a great time to express yourself in a professional setting, as there are opportunities for advancement and recognition. Jupiter will also station retrograde in this area of your chart on Oct. 9, inspiring you to rethink or re-evaluate your professional goals.

Pluto will station direct in Capricorn and your fifth house of romance, self-expression and passion projects on Oct. 11, marking the ending of a period of inner transformation. You may feel called to move forward with a personal project or romantic endeavor that’s been on hold, but with Mercury square Pluto shortly after, it’s crucial to temper yourself and find a healthy balance between your heart’s desires and what is actually practical.

On Oct. 17, the full moon in Aries will shake up your eighth house of emotional affairs and financial bonds, marking a significant time to release old fears or patterns surrounding intimacy and shared assets. Venus will be slipping into Sagittarius on the same day, which can help alleviate tensions on the home front.

Before October comes to a close, your celestial ruler, Mercury, will oppose Uranus on Oct. 30, bringing unexpected shifts and information, particularly around matters of travel, education and self-exploration. The messenger planet will also dance with Neptune on Halloween, bringing much-needed inspiration and clarity in your relationships.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)Horoscope Sign LibraHoroscope Sign Libra

Horoscope Sign Libra

Cheers to another journey around the sun, Libra! October is especially significant for you and for more reasons than one. It begins with a solar eclipse in your sign on Oct. 2, highlighting everything from your identity to your approach to relationships.

In any event, this is an opportunity to hit the reset button on how you see yourself and present yourself to the world. Consider this an opportunity for self-reflection and new beginnings as you step into your power.

On Oct. 4, your celestial ruler, Venus, will harmonize with Saturn, forming a supportive trine that could come with a sense of stability, particularly around financial matters and your day-to-day affairs. Venus will eventually dance with Mars in your career sector, suggesting that you’re also being supported professionally. It’s a great time to take charge of your goals unless you prefer asking for a raise.

Lucky Jupiter will also station retrograde on Oct. 9, activating your ninth house of education, travel and self-discovery, prompting you to redefine your belief systems or perhaps revisit old ideas that require deeper reflection.

Expect unexpected shifts within your intimate unions, as Venus will oppose Uranus on Oct. 14, bringing surprising changes to your financial or emotional world. 

The energy will heighten on Oct. 17 when the moon peaks in Aries, and your seventh house of relationships. Whether it’s a business venture or a romantic connection, this lunation encourages you to balance your own needs with those of others. 

The love planet will slip into Sagittarius and your communication sector that same day, energizing your immediate surroundings while inspiring you with the desire for spontaneity. Your notifications will be buzzing, so be sure to silence your device during work hours.

October ends on an exhilarating note, as Mercury will make a direct opposition to Uranus on Oct. 30, bringing sudden revelations and news about your finances. Keep an eye out for opportunities that could help you manage your finances differently.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)Horoscope Sign ScorpioHoroscope Sign Scorpio

Horoscope Sign Scorpio

There is nothing remotely subtle about October, so buckle up, Scorpio! It begins with a solar eclipse in Libra, activating your 12th house of healing, reflection and unconscious patterns. This encourages you to take a step back, commit to a new chapter of inner growth and release old patterns that no longer serve you.

This is equivalent to an emotional reset — surrender to it.

On Oct. 4, while dazzling your sign, Venus will meet with Saturn in a supportive trine, bringing stability and focus to themes surrounding love, creativity and self-expression. This is a wonderful time to invest in yourself, mainly in hobbies or romantic connections that bring you joy. 

By the 8th, Venus will dance with Mars, increasing your self-confidence while inspiring the desire to pursue new adventures. Whether traveling, learning or expanding your worldview, consider this an opportunity to tap into your passions.

Lucky Jupiter will station retrograde in Gemini shortly after, emphasizing your eighth house of intimacy, mergers and shared resources, as it is a time to re-evaluate your time and investment in others. 

Your modern ruler, Pluto, will station direct on Oct. 11, activating your third house of communication and immediate surroundings. This forward momentum helps you express yourself with confidence and clarity. However, leave it to an intensity-filled square between Mercury and Pluto shortly after to heighten the tension. Be mindful of power dynamics, as you may need to navigate tricky discussions.

There will be a full moon in Aries on Oct. 17, bringing your attention to matters of health, work routines and acts of service, as it is a time for you to reflect on everything from your wellness routines to your work versus life balance. 

Venus will conclude its journey through your sign that same day before slipping into Sagittarius and your second house of finances. You may feel motivated and inspired to build new income streams, but Venus’ square to Saturn on Oct. 28 reminds you to balance your passions with practical responsibilities, specifically around spending.

Before the month comes to a close, Mercury will oppose Uranus on Oct. 30, bringing unexpected shifts and changes to your relationship dynamics. This may lead to surprising conversations and disruptions, but Mercury’s dance with Neptune on Halloween alleviates the tension with inspiration and intuitive clarity.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22–Dec. 21)Horoscope Sign SagittariusHoroscope Sign Sagittarius

Horoscope Sign Sagittarius

Are you aligned with your heart’s desires, Sagittarius? October begins with a new moon solar eclipse in Libra, shaking up your 11th house of associations, community affairs and individual freedom. This is an ideal time to reflect and reassess your connections so you can really think about the people you’d like to surround yourself with moving forward.

On Oct. 4, while activating your 12th house of secrets, privacy and unconscious patterns, Venus will meet with Saturn in a productive trine, bringing a sense of stability to your personal life. Reflect on your early upbringing and foundations, as it is a great time to nurture close bonds or simply work on yourself.

Venus will eventually meet with Mars on Oct. 8, adding a layer of intensity to the mix, specifically when considering your shared assets and emotional connections. In any event, it’s an excellent time to explore intimacy and shared goals with a significant other.

On Oct. 9, your planetary ruler, Jupiter, will station retrograde in your relationship sector, so you may rethink your relationship goals if you do not reconnect with a lover from the past. Never say never — this is an opportunity to strengthen your bonds by addressing unresolved issues.

Pluto will station direct shortly after, impacting your financial sector along with themes surrounding your self-worth. If you’ve been dealing with financial setbacks or perhaps working towards a new financial approach or budget, this may be the shift you’ve been hoping for.

On the dark side, however, Mercury will clash with Pluto on Oct. 13, so tensions may arise around your social life versus your financial security if not your self-confidence.

On Oct. 17, the full moon in Aries will ignite your fifth house of creativity, passion projects and self-expression. Expect clarity around a personal endeavor or a love interest you’ve been getting to know. Speaking of love, Venus will debut in your sign that same day, increasing your desire for spontaneity, romance and experiences.

Lastly, tread lightly and try not to bite off more than you can chew on Oct. 28 as Venus will go head-to-head with Saturn, challenging your personal desires versus your responsibilities with home and family.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)Horoscope Sign CapricornHoroscope Sign Capricorn

Horoscope Sign Capricorn

Expect significant breakthroughs in your career this month, Capricorn. October kicks off with a new moon solar eclipse touching down on your 10th house of authority, career and reputation in the world, presenting you with a fresh start in this area of your life. Whether it’s a professional opportunity, being recognized for your efforts or the desire to set new goals for yourself, this eclipse pushes you to redefine how you’re being seen by the world.

Fortunately, with the help of a Venus-Saturn trine on Oct. 4 — shaking up your 11th house of community affairs and third house communication — you may encounter yourself having meaningful connections that provide a much-needed sense of clarity. Venus will also meet with Mars in your relationship sector shortly after, making it an excellent time to work with others on shared goals.

On Oct. 9, Jupiter will station retrograde in Gemini — your sixth house of daily routines and wellness habits — urging you to revisit habits and discover new ways to improve your workflow and health routines.

Powerhouse Pluto will officially station direct in your sign for the last time on Oct. 11, marking the end of a reflective and transformative period in your personal and professional life. Many of you have been working through deep personal shifts, but now it’s time to step into your destiny with confidence and clarity. Be mindful of Mercury’s square to Pluto on the 13th — tensions may rise between your identity and career goals.

On Oct. 17, the moon will peak in Aries and your fourth house of home, family and emotional foundations, bringing focus to family matters and your personal life. With Venus slipping into Sagittarius that same day, you could feel called to take a step back from the spotlight to focus on your self-care.

This, however, goes hand-in-hand with a Venus-Saturn square happening shortly after, as you may struggle to balance your responsibilities and your desire for solitude.

Exciting opportunities are bound to arise toward the end of the month, as Mercury will oppose Uranus, bringing sudden shifts to your friendships and creative endeavors. Stay flexible, as this could lead to something much more significant.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)Horoscope Sign AquariusHoroscope Sign Aquarius

Horoscope Sign Aquarius

You’re moving closer toward your purpose in October, Aquarius. The month begins with a new moon solar eclipse on Oct. 2, illuminating your expansive ninth house of education, travel and belief systems. Whether you’re exploring a new philosophy, enrolling in a course of study or planning a trip that broadens your horizons, this eclipse marks the beginning of an exciting adventure.

On Oct. 4, while activating your 10th house of career and reputation, Venus will meet with Saturn in a supportive trine, highlighting career themes that may enhance your sense of security. This is followed by a sweet Venus-Mars trine on Oct. 8, boosting your productivity levels and work ethic, making it ideal for daily routines and professional pursuits.

Jupiter will station retrograde shortly after, activating your fifth house of love, passion and self-expression, as this retrograde period invites you to reflect on how you express yourself and share your talents, skills and abilities with the rest of the world.

After Pluto stations direct in Capricorn — marking the end of a transformative period surrounding your subconscious and emotional well-being — the Lord of the Underworld (Pluto) will clash with Mercury on Oct. 13, triggering tensions between your long-term goals versus a deep-seated fear or emotional pattern.

Look to the full moon in Aries on Oct. 17 for clarity, as it will shake up your third house of communication and immediate surroundings, resulting in a sense of closure around a conversation or idea.

Venus will debut in Sagittarius that same day, highlighting your 11th house of associations, community affairs and future visions, making it a great time to connect with like-minded people who share similar hopes and dreams.

However, be sure to avoid spontaneity and indulgence on Oct. 28, as the love planet will clash with Saturn, potentially creating challenges in your finances or sense of stability. After all, the month ends on quite an unpredictable note, given Mercury’s opposition to your modern ruler, Uranus on Oct. 30. Pay close attention and tend to your work-life balance.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)Horoscope Sign PiscesHoroscope Sign Pisces

Horoscope Sign Pisces

October is a month of deep reflection, Pisces. Starting with a new moon solar eclipse in Libra on Oct. 2, themes surrounding your shared resources and intimate unions are brought to the forefront. This is a powerful time to set intentions around financial matters, joint ventures and emotional healing as you are ready to release what no longer serves you and make space for something you’re spiritually aligned with.

On Oct. 4, while glimmering through your expansive ninth house of self-discovery, Venus will dance with Saturn in your sign, presenting you with an opportunity to establish stability and gain clarity around long-term plans. By the 8th, the love planet will meet with Mars in your fifth house of passion projects and romantic affairs, inspiring you with a creative spark while heightening your desires, romantically or artistically.

Jupiter will station retrograde on Oct. 9, backspinning through your fourth house of home, family and emotional foundations. This calls for you to reflect on your past influences and how this may resonate with your current decisions.

On Oct. 11, Pluto will station direct in Capricorn — for the last time after an intense period of transformation and self-discovery — bringing clarity and forward momentum to your friendships and social endeavors. Whether you’re reconnecting with friends or ex-colleagues or perhaps focusing on community affairs that support your long-term goals, reflect on whether this aligns with your individual freedom.

Keep in mind that Mercury will eventually clash with Pluto on Oct. 13, creating tensions around shared assets or financial responsibilities. While it’s a good time to partake in important conversations, it’s important to be mindful of power dynamics.

On Oct. 17, the moon will peak in Aries, shaking up your second house of finances, values and self-worth, which can come with a moment of clarity and enlightenment, specifically when it comes to your income streams and spending habits. Financial changes are likely necessary, if not the need to integrate a newfound sense of clarity around what makes you feel secure.

Venus enters Sagittarius that same day, sweetening up your 10th house of authority, career and public persona. This is an excellent time to put your talents on display. If not, ask for that promotion at work! However, take a beat on Oct. 28, as the love planet will clash with Saturn in your sign — not the best day to gamble on your finances, let alone your reputation.

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