Did Buffs Make Helldivers 2 Too Easy? Divers Give Final Verdict

by Pelican Press
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Did Buffs Make Helldivers 2 Too Easy? Divers Give Final Verdict

Two weeks have passed since Arrowhead Game Studios released the highly anticipated Patch 1.001.100 for Helldivers 2, affectionately dubbed the “#BuffDivers” update. This patch introduced a slew of major buffs to every weapon in the game, leaving no stone unturned in the quest to make the game more enjoyable for players.

Helldivers 2 gameplay screenshot featuring a player getting close up and personal with an enemy Automaton tank.
Helldivers 2‘s enemies are starting to feel less menacing to some. | Image Credit: Arrowhead Game Studios

But as the dust settles and players have had time to dive back into the fray, a question lingers: did these buffs make the game too easy, stripping away the very challenge that made the game so engaging in the first place?

The Community Weighs In

To gauge the Helldivers 2 community’s thoughts on the matter, we turned to the game’s ever-vocal subreddit—where a post asking for players’ opinions on the game’s difficulty post-patch sparked a lively discussion:

For those who were afraid that the buffs would make the game easier; now that time has passed since the patch, how are you feeling?
byu/TolejoStar inhelldivers2

Opinions are mixed, with some players reporting that the Terminids specifically feel significantly easier to dispatch post-patch:

byu/TolejoStar from discussion

Others argue that the changes made the game feel more like a true warfare experience, with powerful weapons balanced by the ever-present threat of being gunned down at a moment’s notice:

byu/TolejoStar from discussion

However, there is one point of contention that seems to unite many players: the fact that even mighty enemies like the Bile Titans and Factory Striders can now be one-shot by Anti-Tank weapons, diminishing their status as the game’s most fearsome foes:

byu/TolejoStar from discussion

Fun Factor vs. Challenge

Helldivers 2 gameplay screenshot featuring two players working in tandem to deal with an enemy Charger.
The developers seem to have found their winning formula. | Image Credit: Arrowhead Game Studios

While opinions on the difficulty may vary, one thing is clear: many players feel that Arrowhead has successfully un-nerfed the ‘fun’ in Helldivers 2 with this update.

No longer do players need to agonize over their loadouts for hours on end in their respective Super Destroyers, fearing that a suboptimal (“non-meta”) choice will lead to a swift boot from the mission.

byu/TolejoStar from discussion

The freedom to experiment with different weapon and stratagem combinations has breathed new life into the game for many, even if it means that the challenge has been somewhat diminished:

byu/TolejoStar from discussion

At the end of the day, it seems that while the Terminids may have lost some of their bite, and the Automatons can still pull off the occasional cheap shot, the overall consensus is that Helldivers 2 is in a better place post-patch. The buffs may have made certain aspects of the game easier, but they’ve also made it more enjoyable for a wider range of players.

As one player succinctly put it, “heavy enemies dissolve when I look at them,” but perhaps that’s a small price to pay for the sheer joy of watching a bug go boom!

What do you think, Helldivers? Has the #BuffDivers update made the game too easy, or has it struck the perfect balance between fun and challenge? Sound off in the comments below!

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