How to Restore the Oracle’s Gravity

by Pelican Press
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How to Restore the Oracle’s Gravity

One of the first missions in Starfield’s downloadable content will involve restoring gravity to a very mysterious space station. In the Shattered Space DLC, players will visit the Oracle space station for the first time and figure out what happened in this strange place, where there seem to be phantoms everywhere.

One intriguing aspect of these ghosts is that they don’t seem to realize they are dead; they still believe they are alive. This is a guide on how to restore gravity in the Oracle. Here, players will also discover the direction this new story content will take.

The Shattered Space DLC Quickly Becomes a Story Full of Suspense

Arriving to Oracle Station in Shattered Space.
How to Restore the Oracle’s Gravity in Shattered Space DLC from Starfield.

To fully engage with this new downloadable content, players should be at least level 35 or higher, prepared to tackle the challenges presented by the Shattered Space DLC.

To access the Oracle space station, players will need to travel to any system that doesn’t have any active encounters, as long as they have finished the first mission. A strange distress signal will interrupt your fast travel journey once you’re in the middle.

Once fast travel ends, the Oracle, a gigantic space station, will automatically appear in front of your ship upon hearing the distress signal. This distress call comes from Sirak, a strange character who doesn’t speak English very well and is asking for help to understand what’s happening on the station.

Once you manage to dock, you’ll notice immediately that there is no gravity in the entire station. A point of interest will quickly appear, and players will encounter what seems to be Sirak’s phantom talking to another specter. After this, the action begins in this new Starfield content.

Exploring Starfield’s Oracle Station with Zero Gravity

Sirak talking to another phantom in Shattered Space.
Shattered Space Sirak will be a very interesting phantom in the oracle space station.

Right after you encounter Sirak talking to this other specter, you’ll notice the other ghost will suddenly start shooting for no apparent reason, and you’ll need to take him out.

Sirak, the main character, will realize this person is dead, but he won’t be able to see who attacked them. Though they can’t see you, these ghosts can sense your presence. Fortunately, Sirak won’t attack you, but you’ll need to follow him throughout the space station to understand what’s happening.


Fortunately, Sirak won’t attack you, but you’ll need to follow him throughout the space station to understand what’s happening.

After this strange interaction with the phantom, the main objective will be to restore power and gravity to this massive space station. An engineering bay access card, located in the station’s deepest part, is required to proceed with the development of this mission.

As you progress through the Shattered Space DLC, you’ll find various points of interest where you can gather information from Sirak’s logs as you move through the station. This new Starfield content is full of suspense and action.

Descending to the Deepest Parts of the Space Station

Unlocking storage units in Shattered Space.
Looking for a way to grab the access card to restore gravity in this space station.

As you continue moving downward to find the access card to the engineering bay, you’ll come across a wall filled with numbered storage compartments.

To activate them, go to the bottom right section, where you’ll find a ladder. On this ladder to the right, there will be a control panel. You’ll need to press various numbered buttons to unlock these storage compartments.

Some will release ghosts that attack you, but the one you need to open is number three. Once opened, you can enter, follow the path to the end, and locate the access card.

Now, you’ll need to return to where the engineering access point was and insert the card you just found. After returning to this spot and finally using the access card, you’ll be able to enter the engineering bay.

As in most games, it won’t let you take the direct path, so you’ll need to head to the right, where there’s a narrow passage, and circle around to the back. This deviates quite a bit from the usual path but will also help you restore power to the station.

Clearing the Path With Lots of Gunfire

Fighting phantoms in Shattered Space.
The Oracle station will be filled with phantoms to kill while restoring gravity.

Before accessing the engineering bay, Sirak will appear to try to activate gravity. However, he’ll immediately notify you that a power cell is missing. Once he informs you of this, he will disappear once more, teleporting away.

Shortly after, multiple enemies will appear for you to defeat. Once you’ve dispatched them, you’ll need to ascend once more and take a detour to the area where the power cells require restoration.

When you arrive at the area where the power cells require replacement, you’ll discover them amidst a pile of debris. You’ll need to place them on the far left side. You’ll need to do this twice.

After inserting the cells, the station’s power will be restored, and you’ll need to move to the right to find a panel to reactivate it. At the panel, Sirak will appear, not understanding why he can’t activate the controls. Approaching and activating the controls will restore gravity to the space station.

Did you get a chance to try the new Shattered Space DLC for Starfield? Let us know in the comments!

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