‘It’s A Reflection of God’s Heart’: Why the Nuclear Family Is Under Assault

by Pelican Press
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‘It’s A Reflection of God’s Heart’: Why the Nuclear Family Is Under Assault

The devaluation of the nuclear family — and the fatherlessness epidemic in America — is undeniably contributing to today’s societal ills.

Ryan Bomberger, a Christian author, speaker, and activist, spoke with CBN News earlier this year about the connection between abortion and “the culture of abandonment” plaguing U.S. culture. His biological mother was raped and chose to give Bomberger up for adoption, granting him a unique perspective on the subjects of family, abortion, and adoption.

“Higher abortion rates, higher high-school dropout rates, lower employment rates, higher violence, higher imprisonment rates,” he said of the consequences of broken families. “I mean, the fallout is so devastating from the absence of fathers. So we’re huge on talking about intact families with married mother[s] and father[s]. And those are the environments where children flourish the best.”

The reason the family is so constantly under assault by the unbelieving world, Bomberger argued, is because it is “the reflection of God’s heart for humanity.”

“I mean, He created this construct of family with a married mother and father to where, you know, we all best flourish,” said Bomberger. “And, of course, the world’s going to attack that. … You’ve got movements, like even the Black Lives Matter movement. I mean, they want to dismantle the Western civilization’s concept or construct of family.”

Scripture is clear in its prescription for the nuclear family.

In the beginning, the Lord said, “It is not good that the man should be alone” (Genesis 2:18), and later added, “A man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh” (Genesis 2:24).

Indiana-based Pastor Steve Wedgeworth wrote in desiringGod.org, “This picture stands in contrast to all theories that suggest marriage is simply a human construct, created and perhaps abolished according to the will of the individuals. Rather, marriage is natural. Marriage is creational.”

The “attack” against the biblical structure of the family, Bomberger said, “is devastating.”

And, in the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision, which resulted in the overturning of Roe v. Wade, the 1973 ruling granting nationwide legal protection for abortion, many of those perceived attacks have shifted against adoption, he explained.

For example, Bomberger referenced an MSNBC segment from May 2022, when network host Tiffany Cross claimed adoption is not a “safe” option for black babies. Her argument was that black children are less likely than white children to be adopted and, as a result, stay in the foster care system for longer periods of time.

“They’re not better off being adopted?” Bomberger asked. “So what? They’re better off dead? That’s an insane sort of mindset.”

In addition to discussing abortion, adoption, and the fatherlessness epidemic, Bomberger spoke to the necessity of the family as God designed it — with one man and one woman in a committed marital relationship for life.

You can watch our entire conversation with Bomberger in the video below.

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