Bloomtown: A Different Story Review [Capsule Computers]

by Pelican Press
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Bloomtown: A Different Story Review [Capsule Computers]

Travis Bruno of Capsule Computers writes:

“Taking inspirations from some of the greatest pieces of media have resulted in just as wonderful games as a result, in fact there have even been times that these inspirations have turned into innovations, taking the new piece of media to new heights. Bloomtown: A Different Story from Different Sense Games and Lazy Bear Games is pretty blatant with where their inspirations lie as anyone familiar with the RPG genre or even other types of media will immediately see what the team is going for here. There is a saying that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and with Bloomtown drawing on numerous sources to try and craft its own story, has this indie game managed to pull itself together into becoming a great experience?”

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