Destiny 2’s Upcoming Rocket Sidearm Lotus-Eater Needs One Particular Feature That Other Weapons in the Archetype Have

by Pelican Press
4 minutes read

Destiny 2’s Upcoming Rocket Sidearm Lotus-Eater Needs One Particular Feature That Other Weapons in the Archetype Have

Destiny 2 is getting a major update in the form of Episode Heresy, which is coming out on February 4, 2025. The update will bring a metric ton of changes to the game including multiple new weapons. One of the new weapons to be added is the Lotus-Eater, a Void Rocket-Assisted Sidearm.

Destiny 2’s Upcoming Rocket Sidearm Lotus-Eater Needs One Particular Feature That Other Weapons in the Archetype Have
Destiny 2 is getting a new update very soon. | Image Credit: Bungie

While players are excited about what the weapon has to offer for its archetype, there’s a bit of a worry. The early details that have been revealed don’t mention if it has a Void subclass synergy perk. Given that every other Rocket Sidearm has elemental-specific perks for better subclass synergy, it’d be very out of place for the Lotus-Eater to not have it.

Destiny 2‘s new update is already worrying people

A still from Destiny 2.
Let’s hope the new weapon is another Rocket Assister Sidearm W. | Image Credit: Bungie

Rocket-Assisted Sidearms in Destiny 2 have great synergy with their elemental subclass because of their unique perks. For example, Indebted Kindness has the Voltshot trait for Arc builds and Aberrant Action has the Incandescent trait for Solar. The purpose of these perks is to make these weapons more useful when used with the respective elemental subclass.

It should be a crime that the upcoming Void Rocket Sidearm Lotus-Eater doesn’t have Destabalizing Rounds
byu/Solace1984 inDestinyTheGame

The upcoming Lotus-Eater is a Void weapon and is expected to follow this trend. Fans online are speculating what perk it could get and the main suggestion is that it should have Destabilizing Rounds, which apply Volatile to nearby enemies upon final blows. As of right now, the weapon doesn’t have any perks listed which has gotten players worried.

Bungie revealed the new weapon as part of their latest This Week in Destiny post and there, it does have a [REDACTED] perk, which could very well be the Destabilizing Rounds perk. The devs also recently buffed the perk so it would make no sense to not add it. However, making decisions that make no sense is on trend for the devs.

The Rocket-Assisted Sidearm archetype was introduced as a unique and explosive perk to Sidearms and has been a big hit among fans. There are currently only four sidearms that can have the Rocket Assisted Frame, so the Lotus-Eater is a welcome addition to the roster.

Bungie needs to step it up with the game

A still from Destiny 2.
Image Credit: Bungie

This isn’t the first time Bungie has faced criticism for its weapon design choices. According to a report from Forbes, the game has lost 90% of its players on Steam since the release of The Final Shape last June. The worst part is that this has nothing to do with a lack of content because it’s quite the opposite in that aspect.

Ever since the game shifted to the Episode format of releasing content, the game has been on a steady decline. So the fact that it failed even with a lot of new content is definitely something that will raise the stakes for the upcoming update. There is a developer livestream scheduled for January 28, which will reveal more details about Episode Heresy. Till then, everything is left to speculation.

There’s a lot of content coming once more, but will it be meaningful enough to actually get players playing again? The game has had its share of ups and downs so there’s no doubt that Bungie can make a comeback work. Do you think Destiny 2 is going to “die” anytime soon? Let us know in the comments!

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