DSS Storyline in Helldivers 2 is Predictable and Boring

by Pelican Press
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DSS Storyline in Helldivers 2 is Predictable and Boring

The Democracy Space Station (DSS) storyline in Helldivers 2 had a lot of promise when it was first introduced. Players were invited to liberate planets and gather resources to build the DSS, a so-called “strategic tool” that would change the tide of the galactic war.

An in-game screenshot of Helldivers 2
Fans are tired of the repetitive Major Orders. | Image Credit: Arrowhead Game Studios

But the hype has quickly faded as many players feel that the DSS arc is painfully predictable and lacks real excitement. At this point, fans feel there’s more filler than actual story progress in the Major Orders. And depending on the payoff at the end, it may just burst into flames.

Helldivers 2 is in a Pickle If This Storyline Doesn’t Do Well

The DSS storyline in Helldivers 2 kicked off with a mission to liberate planets like Clasa and Gaellivare to secure a location for the new space station. layers were expected to rally together to liberate planets and defend the DSS as it moved through different phases of construction.

But as weeks have passed, the progression feels repetitive. The once-thrilling battle for control over planets now seems more like a checklist than an epic struggle for galactic freedom.

byu/Creepy_Ad3991 from discussion

A big part of the criticism is the timing and predictability surrounding the DSS storyline. With Liberty Day celebrated on October 26 in Helldivers lore, players expected a big reveal in the storyline on the day. But while the DSS itself has slowly come together, nothing big really happened.

Some fans speculate that an invasion by the Illuminate faction might eventually disrupt the station, but this is largely wishful thinking.

Many suspect that Arrowhead’s pacing has turned what could have been a thrilling storyline into a drawn-out waiting game.

The Helldivers 2 Community Just Wants A Good Payoff From Arrowhead

An in-game screenshot of Helldivers 2
The DSS storyline has the potential for a good ending. | Image Credit: Arrowhead Game Studios

This lack of compelling progression is evident within the Helldivers 2 community. Players have voiced their concerns online, with some even calling the DSS storyline “boring” and “unimaginative.”

byu/Creepy_Ad3991 from discussion

While the concept of a galactic space station as a fortress is exciting on paper, the execution has felt flat. Players want the DSS to be more than an abstract goal. They want it to impact how the game plays out, giving them a true sense of progress and accomplishment in the galactic conflict.

byu/Creepy_Ad3991 from discussion

The DSS storyline could have had more diverse missions that offered players a wider variety of experiences. Fans have suggested that adding unique mission rewards or unlockable stratagems would’ve made the DSS storyline feel more rewarding.

Players also feel that the DSS arc lacks the humor and excitement that the game is known for. The dark satire and over-the-top sense of adventure seem lacking here. The DSS storyline has largely focused on repetitive mission tasks and rigid objectives.

But despite its flaws, the DSS storyline does have a few redeeming aspects. Constructing the DSS has added a sense of shared purpose to the game. Many players enjoy working together to achieve large-scale objectives, even if the storyline feels predictable.

How has the DSS storyline been for you? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!

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