E-Day Should Look to Call of Duty for 1 Multiplayer Mechanic That Could Replace Current ‘Hell’ of a Feature

by Pelican Press
3 minutes read

E-Day Should Look to Call of Duty for 1 Multiplayer Mechanic That Could Replace Current ‘Hell’ of a Feature

Gears of War: E-Day was released a month ago, and it has held a special place in people’s hearts ever since. The game is doing well in competitive multiplayer as well, and it is time now to look at ways to improve upon what it already has to offer.

Gears of War: E-Day should look at one feature that made Call of Duty multiplayer engaging and rewarding while keeping players hooked on it, and it is none other than camo grind. Grinding for skins is often the most rewarding thing in an online multiplayer shooter setting, and Gears of War: E- Day should adopt it.

Gears of War: E Day Should Refigure It’s Skin Acquisition System

E-Day Should Look to Call of Duty for 1 Multiplayer Mechanic That Could Replace Current ‘Hell’ of a Feature
Gears of War: EDay still has time on its hands to make amends. Image Credit: The Coalition

Gears of War 3 had a similar approach to camo grinding as Call of Duty currently has, but they let go of it in favor of microtransactions, which did not turn out to be as successful as it had hoped to be.

However, for the latest title, it is necessary to make amends and listen to what fans are demanding to see. Many people have raised concerns over wanting a similar system to Call of Duty, in Gears of War: E-Day. 

One Reddit user shared their thoughts about the camo grinding system and its benefits. They said:

How would you feel about a CoD style camo grind in E-day?
byu/da-meme-boi_ inGearsOfWar

Skins are like medals to showcase your achievements in the games, the better you get and the more rewards you win, the more skins you own which makes you stand apart from the crowd. This method is a great way to boost the morale of players looking for gratification within the game.

However, Gears of War: E-Day currently does not possess a camo grind feature and is sticking to its micro-purchase model, which is making it difficult for a lot of people to take the game seriously.

One Reddit user shared their opinion on the former statement by saying:

byu/da-meme-boi_ from discussion

Many people agree with it and want to see the hell of a feature go away to make way for a better system to take its place.

Gears of War: E Day Still Has Time On Their Side

Gears of War: E Day official trailer. Image Credit: The Coalition
Gears of War: E-Day’s multiplayer should look up to one feature from COD to make the game better. Image Credit: The Coalition

It has not been a very long time since the game’s release, and it is still too early in the game’s life cycle to be rigid in its methods and mechanics. They have a lot of time in hand to consider what the players are asking for and deliver it on time.

One Reddit user shared their opinion on it by describing a more holistic approach toward the skin acquisition system. They said:

byu/da-meme-boi_ from discussion

Ranked rewards skins are a must in the game, as people are willing to go above and beyond the casual level, and they should be rewarded for their dedication to the game. Having said that, Gears of War: E-Day should be open to making amends to give its players a good gaming experience.

What do you think about it? Let us know in the comments below.

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