eWorlds Review (PC) | Smash Jump

by Pelican Press
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eWorlds Review (PC) | Smash Jump

eWorlds is the brand-new game from GGTech Studios, which is set to release on October 24. This platformer has players explore Lost World, a place filled with a vast array of different worlds. Players will have to traverse numerous challenges as they explore this vast land and collect Loops along the way.

But is this game worth the adventure? Or is this a quest that players shouldn’t embark on? While this game can be fun, it comes with many problems that may make adventurers reconsider their journey. 

The Good

First, I’ll start by talking about what this game does well. To start, I think the gameplay is pretty good. The controls are unresponsive at times, but overall, are fluid. The actions you can perform in-game also work well. The spin jump is a very versatile tool in Lost World, but it’s not the only trick up the player’s sleeve. Throughout the game, players will unlock several tools to help with obstacles. This includes a hammer, a bomb, an umbrella glider, and a grappling gun. These tools give the gameplay some variety and I’m happy with their inclusion.

eWorlds Hammer

The level design is also pretty good. It’s not groundbreaking by any stretch, but it doesn’t have to be. The sponsored levels do remind me of a game on Roblox, but they were decently fun to play through. There were also a variety of settings to play through, though some of the stages weren’t all that interesting. Still, eWorlds has some interesting levels that are fun to traverse, despite the few boring ones sprinkled in there.

Finally, I do appreciate the fact the game is free. It’s one of the game’s big selling points. It’s commendable that the devs made this game free without including any microtransactions or loot boxes. There’s plenty to unlock within the game, including the different stages and the array of costumes. It gives the player something to strive for and gives them the ability to customize their character without paying money, which is nice.

eWorlds Hub World

The Bad

Now, I’d like to discuss some of the problems with the game. For starters, the game currently has several problematic glitches. Some of these glitches have been patched out in pre-launch updates. Some still persist, however, such as getting soft-locked after falling in the Space Hub, or not being able to collect any of the golden loops in the game. While I’m sure these issues will be addressed in future patches, in the current state of the game, they are major problems that have yet to be addressed.

Another problem is the multiplayer. Now, of course, not many people are going to be playing before the game’s launch, so I can’t comment on the actual quality of the multiplayer. But one of the major things shown in the trailers is the multiplayer, and unfortunately, I think it’s going to be borderline nonexistent. This means one major portion of the game will likely be unplayable. Even beyond that, however, the multiplayer isn’t even that interesting. Some of the games are ripped straight from Fall Guys and other similar games, which I find extremely boring.

Now, this game doesn’t have to be the cream of the crop when it comes to Fall Guys clones, but I was hoping for something a little more creative. Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising also has a mode based on Fall Guys, but despite it just being a little side mode, they came up with creative and unique minigames that fit into the Granblue universe. Overall, the multiplayer is underwhelming, and likely won’t even be playable.

eWorlds El Salvador

That brings me to my next issue, eWorlds lacks its own style. Not only is it taking games directly from Fall Guys, but from what I’ve played, it’s felt like the game is taking elements from Mario as well, the spin jump being the main suspect. The best way I can describe this game is a weird amalgamation of Fall Guys and Mario, which doesn’t let it stand out. Because of that, even though this game is free, I just don’t know if it’s worth the time. It doesn’t really do anything different from other platformers and Fall Guys clones, so ultimately it may be better to just play Fall Guys, which has a much larger fanbase, or play an obby on Roblox if you’re a fan of the platforming aspect.

One of the big problems with this game is that it gets stale quickly. I did say this game had a nice variety of levels, but what you do in a lot of those levels tends to be the same thing. In the Alienware level, you go through a platforming segment and a very similar platforming segment is present in the hub world. That leads to the game getting boring fast. It’s still serviceable, and I did have fun trying to climb those platforming segments. After a while, though, I would get bored and quit playing the game. And without the multiplayer, there really isn’t much left to do. Because of that, I don’t see myself coming back to this game often, if ever at all. Overall, this game lacks substance, and unless they plan to update this game frequently, I don’t see a reason to come back to it.

eWorlds Platforming

Final Thoughts

Overall, while this game is fun, it’s not one I think anyone needs to go out of their way to play. It’s unoriginal, gets boring really quick, and does very little of its own thing. It’s not much more than a Fall Guys clone with some elements of Mario mixed in with it. With that being said, the game is free, so it doesn’t hurt to check it out, and if you’ve run out of games to play, it can be a pretty fun time waster. I also commend the lack of microtransactions and loot boxes, but it still doesn’t make up for the fact that there isn’t much to do in the game. It lacks substance and ultimately there isn’t much reason to pick this game up. However, if you’re looking for a game to pass the time, eWorlds can be a fun way to do it.

eWorlds releases on Steam for free on October 24 on PC.

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