Exeter woman died months after begging GP for help, inquest hears

by Pelican Press
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Exeter woman died months after begging GP for help, inquest hears

A young woman died just months after begging her GP for help with her chronic fatigue syndrome, an inquest heard.

Maeve Boothby-O’Neill, 27, had written to her doctor asking for help with feeding as she was hungry.

Ms Boothby-O’Neill had been diagnosed with myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), which causes extreme tiredness. She died at home in Exeter, Devon, in October 2021.

The inquest, which is scheduled to last two weeks, continues.

The hearing in Exeter heard that she had told her GP, Dr Lucy Shenton, in June 2021: “I really need help with feeding.”

Her letter added: “I do not understand why the hospital did not do anything to help when I went in. I am hungry, I want to eat.”

ME, also known as chronic fatigue syndrome, is a condition that causes extreme tiredness and a range of other symptoms.

Ms Boothby-O’Neill had suffered from it since the age of 13, the inquest heard.

The hearing is focusing on her care from January 2021 until her death.

According to medical notes, by July she was unable to read, watch TV or engage in conversations, and was only getting out of bed to use the toilet.

She was also unable to chew food and had difficulty drinking because she was not able to sit up.

Ms Boothby-O’Neill had been admitted three times to the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital but was discharged each time and sent home, the inquest was told.

Dr Shenton’s colleague, Dr Paul McDermott, said he was “slightly shocked” that, having admitted her to hospital in March 2021, she was sent home the same day.

Ms Boothby-O’Neill’s mother, Sarah Boothby, described her daughter as an “exceptional” child and an A-grade student.

Her father, Sean O’Neill, a journalist with The Times newspaper, added: “I especially wanted it to be remembered that she was a special big sister to Danny and Lily.

“Her death has been hard for Danny and Lily to understand.

“Illness stopped them knowing her better, but they knew her love and on her death bed she remembered them.”

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