Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis to host another crossover with Final Fantasy VII Rebirth

by Pelican Press
2 minutes read

Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis to host another crossover with Final Fantasy VII Rebirth

  • Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis is set to host another crossover collaboration with Rebirth
  • New gear for Aerith, Yuffie and Barrett is set to debut
  • Running from January 29th until February 26th, there’s also log-in goodies to nab too

When it comes to reboots I think it’s safe to say that one which has really caught the imagination of the gaming public has been Square Enix’s Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. Resurrecting a classic which defined early PlayStation gaming can’t have been easy, but each subsequent release has gripped players both old and new.

And now, you can enjoy a new crossover collaboration between Final Fantasy VII Rebirth and its mobile spinoff, Final Fantasy VII: Ever Crisis with the new event running from January 29th until February 26th! The new Loveless chapter introduces fresh gear for Aerith, Yuffie and Barrett not to mention a new wallpaper to adorn your in-game homescreen.

The event will also let you nab a daily free 10x draw, or up to 280 times for free in total, and rewards of up to 1000 Blue Crystals. But if that isn’t enough to get you excited then maybe the introduction of fan-favourite character Cid Highwind will. He’s joining the roster with the release of Final Fantasy VII Chapter 8: An Encounter with the Past.

Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis to host another crossover with Final Fantasy VII Rebirth

Beyond the lightning

See, I recall when Final Fantasy was considered almost passe by the gaming public at large. What a turnaround since then, if not at least partially fuelled by the rebooting of perhaps the most famous entry in the franchise since its first iteration. I don’t think anyone would dispute that Cloud Strife and company helped contribute to the popularity of Final Fantasy as a franchise, so little surprise he and his friends are plastered all over this mobile spin-off.

If you’re looking to expand your repertoire a bit, but don’t know where to start, don’t hesitate to check in with us! Our latest list of the top five new mobile games to try this week is here, featuring the best launches from the last seven days.

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