‘Fire of Revival’ Spreads in Europe as Thousands Pack Stadiums in Hungary and Italy

by Pelican Press
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‘Fire of Revival’ Spreads in Europe as Thousands Pack Stadiums in Hungary and Italy

Another wave of massive revival gatherings took place across Europe this weekend – this time in Italy and Hungary. 

International evangelist Jean-Luc Trachsel says “the power of the Lord” moved at two huge conferences in Hungary and Italy as people were saved, healed, and delivered. 

“Fire of revival is spreading everywhere in Europe to hungry and thirsty people,” he wrote on social media. “Stop to watch and dare why it’s not coming to your place. Go to your knees and cry out to The Lord of the harvest to save your region.” 

Trachsel is the founder of Jean-Luc Trachsel Ministries which works to “bring unity among Christians and to proclaim the Gospel to this generation with mercy and compassion,” according to the website

As CBN News reported, Trachsel delivered a message in Paris, France for the “March For Jesus in France” a little less than two weeks ago where 25,000 people praised Jesus in front of the Eiffel Tower and heard an encouraging word from God. 

Trachsel shared that a “fire of revival” also occurred at the “This Is the Day!” worship event at DVTK Stadium in Miskolc, Hungary. That stadium can hold more than 15,000 people, and it was filled with souls hungry for God.

“Another place in Europe where God is moving in a glorious way,” he wrote. 

According to their website, “This Is the Day!” is an interdenominational Christian movement organizing praise and worship events since 2000.

“It is extremely important to us to have a day each year when we gather in Jesus’ name with thanksgiving and pray for our nation’s repentance and for the church,” the organization’s mission reads. “It is our goal to be more thoroughly committed to God and thereby impacting the world around us. We want to strengthen our fellow believers so their lives would be testimonies to God’s love.”

Grammy Award-winning Christian music artist Chris Tomlin was the featured worship leader this year along with several Hungarian artists. 

The packed-out arena echoed with songs of praise from thousands of people. 

“And the crowning moment of the evening was a joint worship session, where we sang ‘How Great is Our God’ by Chris Tomlin with all the servants, in one voice. It was a wonderful experience and collective worship,” wrote “This Is the Day!” on social media. 

Meanwhile, Trachsel shared a message on the power of the Holy Spirit at the Apostolic Conference 2024 hosted by the “Chiesa Apostolica in Italia” or the “Apostolic Church in Italy” in Rome.

The organization is an international missionary movement “born out of the Pentecostal revivals of the first half of the twentieth century,” according to the group. 

“We are part of the Evangelical family. Apostolic means ‘sent’, and just as God the Father sent Jesus into the world to seek and save people far from God, we believe that Jesus sent His disciples to do the same,” the website shares. “As a church we are all called to serve Him, renewed by His Holy Spirit.”

The three-day conference brought together a network of Italian churches with 11,000 members. A massive Protestant gathering like this is seen as unusual in the seat of Roman Catholicism.

Trachsel recounts that “miracles and healings” took place at the conference including someone who was born deaf and left the conference able to hear and another person who had “blind twisted eyes” could see normally after receiving prayer. 

“Full house where the power of The Lord was there to heal all kinds of diseases,” he said, adding that the greatest “miracle” was the souls saved. 

As CBN News has reported, much of Europe has abandoned the Christian faith, embraced secularism, and returned to its pagan roots. 

According to a Pew Research survey, the number of European Christians has been expected to drop by about 100 million, falling from 553 million in 2010 to 454 million in 2050. Meanwhile, Europe’s Muslim population is expected to increase by 63% in that time frame. 

Trachsel told CBN News he is seeing the decline firsthand in Switzerland where only three to five percent of the seven million people are born-again Christians.

“I feel the time is coming where here in Europe, maybe the real Christians will have to be underground,” he said. 

But the evangelical leader is urging Europeans to continue to believe for God to move mightily in their countries and is applauding those who are forging ahead on a mission to increase the number of souls for God’s kingdom. 

“Grateful for dear friends of mine who are truly apostles in this nation paying the price to break walls of separation & division, working for unity but also arising against the legalistic and religious spirits to fully embrace the Holy Spirit for revival in this country,” he said of Italy’s Christian leaders. “Great day with great people serving a Great God in a great country having a great and glorious future!”

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