Ghost of Tsushima is Also Guilty of the Same ‘Crime’ as Assassin’s Creed: Shadows, By the Way

by Pelican Press
1 minutes read

Ghost of Tsushima is Also Guilty of the Same ‘Crime’ as Assassin’s Creed: Shadows, By the Way

Tacoboto0m ago

There is important contextual difference.

Assassin’s Creed, especially Origins/Odyssey/Valhalla, use their attention to historical accuracy and plausibility as marketing beats. History modes are even in the latest games. The way Shadows had been presented showed how much they slipped from the standard they used to adhere to, in a way that comes off as disrespectful to the culture the game is sourced from.

Ghost of Tsushima has just one game in its franchise actually released and we have just one trailer for the sequel – time will tell how it gets received the more we learn about it. But GoT itself – it’s clear the amount of respect went into every detail of the world.

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