Henry Cavill’s Warhammer Series Needs an Enemy That Is the 40K Universe’s Answer to Beta Ray Bill

by Pelican Press
3 minutes read

Henry Cavill’s Warhammer Series Needs an Enemy That Is the 40K Universe’s Answer to Beta Ray Bill

It’s been more than two years since we first learned that Henry Cavill would be starring in and producing a Warhammer 40k series with Amazon and Games Workshop. However, a few weeks ago, it was finally confirmed that the series was in development for Prime Video.

Henry Cavill’s Warhammer Series Needs an Enemy That Is the 40K Universe’s Answer to Beta Ray Bill
Warhammer 40k show is finally coming. (Image via Games Workshop)

Considering the fact that Cavill is a big-time Warhammer nerd, fans believe that he’ll be able to do the series justice as it deserves. However, if the British actor really wants to win the hearts of gamers, he must consider an enemy that’s considered to be the Beta Ray Bill of the Warhammer 40k franchise.

Henry Cavill’s Warhammer 40k series needs Commander Farsight

Warhammer 40k Secret Level
The show could shock everyone by bringing Commander Farsight. (Image via Amazon)

As Warhammer fans, we all know that the Tau are an anomaly in the 40k universe. Seriously, do we know about any faction that’s always pushing for diplomacy and progress to seek unity in the grimdark future? The Tau want to create a grand society where everyone is encouraged to work for “The Greater Good.”

While all members of Tau are willing to lay down their lives for this path, there’s one who has crafted his own destiny, Commander Farsight. Also known as O’Shovah, Farsight initially served under the Tau Empire as a commander within their military and was a force to be reckoned with due to his warfare and leadership skills.

Unfortunately, during one of his campaigns, Farsight couldn’t see eye to eye with Ethereal, the ruling section of the Tau Empire, and their teachings about the Greater Good. Things took a turn for the worse once he encountered Necrons and Chaos, which ultimately made him question Ethereal’s vision. Eventually, he broke away from the faction and established Farsight Enclaves.

Considering Farsight’s background in the 40k franchise, there’s no reason to doubt that he will prove to be a deadly villain in Cavill’s upcoming show. We can see his obsession with protecting his people at any cost, making some morally questionable choices, and taking the fight against the Imperium. The possibilities are endless for such an interesting figure.

When is Warhammer 40k show coming out?

Warhammer 40k
The show is years away from getting a release date. (Image via Games Workshop)

While we don’t know when exactly Games Workshop and Amazon agreed to settle on creative guidelines, Deadline broke the news, and then we got an official Warhammer blog confirming it.

The TV series set to get into active development is one of the many projects planned for the franchise. Even Henry Cavill is excited and shares his thoughts in an Instagram post.

According to Games Workshop, Amazon now has the full rights to develop all kinds of television series and films within the 40k universe.

What’s really interesting is that Games Workshop has also given the “option for Amazon to license equivalent rights in the Warhammer Fantasy universe following the release of any initial Warhammer 40,000 production.” It’s quite clear that there are a lot of expectations behind this series.

However, the series is still years away from hitting shelves or even dropping us a hint of what’s to come. It’s just entering active development, and that’s how things work for film and TV series in the industry. Let’s hope the writing process doesn’t face any issues and incorporates what fans would love to see.

With that said, would you like to see any other character take the mantle of the villain in the Warhammer 40k show? Let us know in the comments below.

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