How To Kill Bile Titans

by Pelican Press
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How To Kill Bile Titans

A solid strategy is one of the greatest assets you could have in Helldivers 2. You can have the best weapons in the game, but if you don’t know what you’re doing, you’re not taking down anything.

Bile Titans, the giant, bile-spewing monstrosities from the Terminids faction, are one of those enemies you can’t just blindly charge into. Learning how to kill Bile Titans in Helldivers 2 is going to save you a lot of trouble and a possibly ruined day.

How to Kill Bile Titans Helldivers 2

An image of a Bile Titan, to show how to kill Bile Titans in Helldivers 2.
Bile Titans are a pain to kill, but this guide will help you with the bulk of it. | Credit: PlayStation YouTube

Bile Titans are one of the most heavily armored enemies in Helldivers 2, and a part of the Terminid faction. On the challenging difficulty, they’ll appear in smaller numbers. On higher difficulty levels, though, they’ll spawn in larger numbers and can even patrol the map or emerge alongside hordes of Terminids.

This guide will help you understand how to best deal with these challenging foes, including identifying their weak spots, using the right weapons, and zeroing in on the best strategies.

Weapon and Stratagem-wise, things like the EAT-17, Eagle 500kg Bomb, Railgun, Autocannon Sentry, and Recoilless Rifle will be of huge advantage. Even if you don’t have these exact weapons, anything that packs a similar punch will help.

Blindly shooting these things is a one-way trip to death’s doorstep. Instead, aim at their underbelly or mouth. The entirety of these monstrous bugs is armored, but these two points will let you deal more damage than attacking any other part of its body.

You’ll want to focus on the underbelly as much as possible, shooting it until it bursts. This weakens it and prevents it from vomiting bile all over you and your squad, giving your team a major advantage and lessening the risk.

If you haven’t burst its underbelly and you see it getting ready to spit bile, shoot its mouth with a hard-hitting weapon. This will cancel its attack, giving you more time to work on its underbelly. For this reason, it’s important to carefully observe its movements.

Now, not everyone’s going to be the best at aiming at these precise locations. If you’re not confident you can shoot these spots reliably, go with an explosive Stratagem and attack its body instead.

If you’re running low on firepower, you can also use deployables like turrets and small sentries to bait the Titan into position or to draw its aggro while you attack from a safer distance. This strategy works especially well with other armor-heavy enemies in the game too.

Some More Helldivers 2 Help for Killing Bile Titans

An image of a Bile Titan, to show how to kill Bile Titans in Helldivers 2.
These tips can be applied to other enemies too. | Credit: PlayStation YouTube

The previous strategy is best followed to tackle the Bile Titans. Sometimes, though, not everything goes to plan, and you’ll need to improvise. Here are a few extra tips you should keep in mind that’ll make your missions in Helldivers 2 a little less stressful.

First, don’t rush into the fight, especially at higher difficulties. Stay on the move, keeping your distance while you chip away at the Titan’s weak points.

Since these enemies are bullet sponges, make sure you have enough ammo or plan to call in a resupply before engaging. Don’t be afraid to ask a teammate to take over while you cover them instead.

You can position the Titan near an edge or obstacles, giving you a huge advantage terrain-wise. This will limit its mobility while you and your squad go in for the kill.

If you’re struggling with more than just Bile Titans, we have plenty of resources, from Helldivers 2 boss guides to general Helldivers 2 guides that will teach you new strategies and tips to improve your game.

Whether you’re playing solo or with a squad, even just knowing a few extra tips can make the difference between success and failure.

Do you have any tips on how to kill Bile Titans in Helldivers 2 that you’d like to add? Let us know in the comments below!

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