It’s a Mercury Retrograde Summer

by Pelican Press
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It’s a Mercury Retrograde Summer

Your August Horoscope Says Mercury Retrograde Is Turning Summer into a Bummer

Your August Horoscope Says Mercury Retrograde Is Turning Summer into a Bummer

This is an ultra-intense month in the stars, so your August 2024 horoscope for each zodiac sign are packed with action from start to finish. But thankfully, things kick off with Leo season’s gregarious and sunny energy on our side—and we’ll get an exciting blast of it during the Leo new moon on August 4. New beginnings are bursting out of thin air, and we’ll be ready to go after them with gusto. Later that day, amorous planet Venus leaves flashy Leo behind for the au naturale realm of Virgo, giving us a more pure and practical approach to love.

By the time we wake up the next morning, Mercury will have stationed retrograde, kicking off three and a half weeks of communication clashes and other mental mix-ups. The retrograde begins in Virgo, but by mid-month, it’ll moonwalk back into Leo for the remainder of the transit. It meets with the sun for a Mercury cazimi on August 18, marking a bright spot in the retrograde cycle that helps you look at the past with fresh eyes. The full moon in Aquarius the following day is a groundbreaking one, as it’s chock-full of intense aspects that’ll challenge our hearts but also push us toward growth. At the time of the full moon, hot-headed Mars and tough-love Saturn will be squaring off with one another, while romantic Venus will be locked in a T-square with Saturn and Jupiter at the same time. Be patient with yourself and others.

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A sense of peace slowly begins to restore once the sun enters refined and attentive Virgo on August 22, officially heralding Virgo season. This is a time to focus on wellness and pay closer attention to the little details of your life. Less than a week later, on August 28, Mercury retrograde comes to an end, clearing up some of the confusion and mishaps that dominated over the past few weeks. As the month wraps up, Venus will be making some intense aspects to all three outer planets—Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto—prompting us to dig deep into our hearts and let go of control. But once the love planet hits its home sign of Libra on August 29, everyone will have an easier time finding balance and harmony amidst the madness.

Your August 2024 monthly horoscope for each zodiac sign

Read on for your full horoscope for the month of August 2024, according to your sun sign and/or rising sign:



Monthly Affirmation:“Being able to express myself is my right as a human being.”

Chaos may be reigning in the cosmos, but so is creativity, as your Aries horoscope August 2024 is filling you with fresh inspiration and a renewed sense of passion. Leo season lights up your flirty and fun-loving fifth house, so be playful and pursue whatever brings you joy—especially under the new moon on August 5, which is harmonizing with your ruling planet Mars. This is a great time to start a new side hustle or hobby, or boldly spark up a romance with someone new. Mercury retrograde begins just after the new moon though, so be clear and flexible if you put any date nights on the calendar. Over the next few weeks, schedules are subject to change.

A square between your hot-headed ruler Mars and tough-love planet Saturn on August 14 could bring some struggles when it comes to interacting with the people around you, making you feel a bit alienated or unable to express yourself the way you’d like. But the full moon on August 19 will help you shake off this spiral, allowing you to think more collectively instead of fixating on what’s going on inside your head. Virgo season starts on August 22, inspiring more productivity and motivation when it comes to tackling responsibilities and work tasks. Once romantic Venus hits your partnership zone on August 29, relationships could get a little sweeter, too. Read your full 2024 yearly horoscope.



Monthly Affirmation:“My home is a protected space filled with peace, love, and joy.”

The dog days of summer are prime for cozying up in the comfort of your home, as your Taurus horoscope for August 2024 finds the sun in your domestic fourth house for most of the month. The new moon on August 4 is an introspective moment for contemplating your past and taking steps toward being more emotionally open. On the same day, your romantic ruler Venus hits your flirty fifth house—so even with Mercury retrograde starting, this could be a fun time for playing the field or bringing a bit more playfulness into your current relationships.

Some intensity is brewing mid-month, as the sun, moon, and Mercury retrograde will all be squaring off with unpredictable Uranus in your sign. Because of this, the full moon on August 19 is likely to throw you some curveballs, especially when it comes to balancing things at work. Once Virgo season starts on August 22, you’ll feel more happy-go-lucky and ready to fully indulge in all your amorous Venusian senses. Speaking of Venus, the love planet makes a lucky trine to Uranus in your sign on August 27, inspiring you to show up a little bit differently in relationships and express your creativity in unexpected way. Read your full 2024 yearly horoscope.



Monthly Affirmation:“My communication skills foster connection and understanding.”

Leo season is lighting up your chart’s communication zone, so expressing yourself is a big theme throughout your Gemini horoscope for August 2024—especially given that your ruling planet Mercury will be retrograde for most of the month, too. The new moon on August 4 inspires you to say whatever’s on your mind and be more confident in speaking your truth. It’s a good time to do so, as Mercury retrograde will be in full swing by the following day. The mental planet will backspin into your chatty third house on August 14, causing potential miscommunications. But the Mercury cazimi a few days later gives you a chance to see all the retrograde lessons a little more clearly.

A full moon in fellow air sign Aquarius rises on August 19, pushing you to get more innovative about your worldview. Alongside it, Jupiter in your sign will be in an intense T-square with stern Saturn and relationship-oriented Venus, pushing you to let go of situations in both your personal and professional life that are inhibiting your growth. Once Virgo season rolls around on August 22, you may be called to deal with more domestic matters. Family life, issues at home, and sensitive feelings are taking center stage. It’s OK to slow down and take time to sort things out. Read your full 2024 yearly horoscope.



Monthly Affirmation:“I choose opportunities that compensate me rather than drain me.”

Mercury retrograde is swooping in with its classic mental mix-ups this month, so your Cancer horoscope for August 2024 is making sure you stay on top of your game. Financial matters hit the front burner under the new moon on August 4, so start a budget or pursue a new income stream. But Mercury retrograde kicks off in your communication sector that same night, so if you need to have an important conversation over the next few weeks, do so with some extra consciousness and try not to take misunderstandings personally.

The middle of the month finds Mercury backspinning into your chart’s money zone, so double check your numbers and beware of making any big impulse purchases, as logistical snags are likely. The full moon on August 19 brings some deeper emotions out from under whatever rocks or caves they’ve been hidden in, and while facing these feelings isn’t easy, you’ll have to do so if you want to turn a corner. You’ll feel a little more social and mentally present once Virgo season begins on August 22—especially once Mercury retrograde wraps up a few days later. Use the last days of August to catch up on texts and emails and reach out to friends to make some late summer plans. Read your full 2024 yearly horoscope.



Monthly Affirmation:“Love flows to me freely, effortlessly, and without apology.”

The sun is shining in your sign this month, so your Leo horoscope for August 2024 is bursting with action, excitement, and new opportunities. Things kick off on a high note with a new moon in your sign on August 4. The sun and moon will be vibing out with motivating Mars and lucky Jupiter, inspiring you to pursue your goals with optimism and boundless energy. Mercury retrograde kicks off later that night, so if you’re doing any birthday season shopping, you may want to save the receipts, just in case. Good fortune is flowing around August 7, as the sun in your sign blows a kiss to jovial Jupiter, boosting your confidence and infusing your aura with positivity.

Mercury retrograde will feel extra personal once it dips back into your sign on August 14, but the Mercury cazimi a few days later could bring about some mental breakthroughs that give you clarity on how to move forward post-backspin. Speaking of breakthroughs, the full moon on August 19 is a big one for your relationships, and it may be time to make some decisions about either leveling up your commitments or taking a step back. Your birthday season ends on August 22, giving you a chance to start focusing a bit more on your finances—a task that’ll be easier once Mercury retrograde ends on August 28. Read your full 2024 yearly horoscope.



Monthly Affirmation:“Forgiveness sets me free and allows me to live in the present moment.”

Leo season may be the peak of summer, but rest up, because your Virgo horoscope for August 2024 isn’t going to fully rev up until the end of the month. The new moon on August 4 is a good time to get introspective and reflect on what you’d like to accomplish ahead of your birthday season. Look forward to a summery glow-up too, because romantic Venus enters your sign later that day, sprinkling its alluring magic all over you. Just after the new moon, your ruling planet Mercury will station retrograde in your sign, so take a deep breath and move slower with logistical matters to avoid any major mix-ups.

The retrograde intensity lets up a little bit mid-month once Mercury backspins out of your sign, but some cosmic clashes could create tension between your career, personal life, and relationships. Use the full moon on August 19 as a time to let go of unnecessary obligations so you have more time to focus on the important stuff. The month ends on a high note, as Virgo season begins on August 22, and Mercury retrograde ends less than a week later. Rejoice! The solar spotlight is on you and you’ll be feeling much more revived. Read your full 2024 yearly horoscope.



Monthly Affirmation:“I set an example that I hope others will follow.”

Socializing is on the menu in a big way in your Libra horoscope for August 2024, so say yes to some fun times with friends and spread those social butterfly wings of yours. The new moon on August 4 is a gorgeous opportunity to connect with your community and perhaps even take the lead on bringing a like-minded group of folks together. If you step up and speak your mind, people will follow! Mercury retrograde starts later that day, though, so be sure to double check your details if you wind up planning any gathering in the coming weeks.

The full moon in fellow air sign Aquarius rises on August 19, and you’re being challenged to more fully embrace your creativity and push your one-of-a-kind visions out into the world. Don’t hide your passions away—it’s time to express what’s in your heart and show off your uniqueness. After an intense full moon, you may feel like curling up in your cocoon once Virgo season rolls around on August  22, so take a break from your social calendar for a few days to recharge. You’ll feel refreshed and renewed once Mercury retrograde wraps up on August 28, followed by your amorous cosmic ruler Venus gliding into your sign the following day. Read your full 2024 yearly horoscope.



Monthly Affirmation:“My success thrills me, but my failures teach me.”

Your Scorpio horoscope for August 2024 is funneling lots of cosmic energy into your career, so be ready to put your talents on full display. The new moon on August 4 is a great time to plant some seeds for future work endeavors, make a move toward a new career path, or spruce up your professional social media presence. Beautifying Venus hits your chart’s collaboration zone later that day, giving you a boost when it comes to successfully networking and working with others. However, Mercury retrograde starts shortly after—so do your best to avoid any drama amongst your colleagues or crew of friends.

By mid-month, your energy at work may be better spent on revisiting old projects rather than kicking off new ones, as the retrograde is pushing you to review your current trajectory before moving forward. The Mercury cazimi on August 18 can help you get clear on your post-retrograde path and potentially pick back up on a past endeavor with a fresh outlook. The full moon the following day reminds you to check in on matters in your private life too. What baggage at home do you need to sort through in order to feel free enough to accomplish your biggest goals? Teamwork will really come in handy once Virgo season starts on August 22, so lean on your friends and your peers at work for support and inspiration—personally and professionally. Read your full 2024 yearly horoscope.



Monthly Affirmation:“I embrace spontaneous adventures with an open heart and an eager mind.”

Adventure is reigning supreme in your Sagittarius horoscope for August 2024—but like any good adventure, this one will be full of twists and turns. The sunny vibes of Leo season are super inspiring to a fellow fire sign like you, and the new moon on August 4 will open your mind to all sorts of new journeys. If you believe in yourself, you can accomplish just about anything right now, so set your sights high and aim for faraway horizons. Mercury retrograde starts just after the new moon, and it can be especially obnoxious when it comes to your work life, so double check the dates and times for any important meetings and avoid starting any brand-new projects or other professional endeavors if you can help it. The next few weeks are better spent focusing on what’s already in motion.

The full moon on August 19 is surrounded by all sorts of cosmic chaos that’s rocking your chart, and you’ll have to do your best to stay present amidst the madness. Remember who you are and be confident about your decisions now. There may be lots of things in flux—whether that involves your relationships, family life, or career—but trust that these experiences are expanding your knowledge and remember that you can always come home to yourself. Vibes chill out during the last third of the month, and you’ll have a much clearer idea of how you want to move forward on things once Mercury retrograde wraps up on August 28. Read your full 2024 yearly horoscope.



Monthly Affirmation:“I make wise and informed decisions about how I invest my energy.”

The summer sun is shining, but your Capricorn horoscope for August 2024 is pulling you underground, challenging you to explore the depths of your desires so that you can soar to your most aspirational heights. Let yourself get vulnerable under the new moon on August 4. So long as you have strong boundaries, it’s OK to have a soft heart. Mercury retrograde starts just after this lunation, and its review-oriented energy can help you check in on your worldview and make any necessary adjustments. Do you still relate to your default answers to questions about your beliefs? You may realize that you’ve evolved further along than you thought—especially during the Mercury cazimi that peaks mid-month.

You’ve been doing a lot of soul-searching this month, but the full moon in your money sector on August 19 asks you to apply those inner values to your external world. Check in on your finances and other material resources and see what adjustments need to be made—as ignoring issues will only make things more stressful in the long run. Once the sun enters fellow earth sign Virgo on August 22, you can shake off some of that full moon intensity and embark on some exciting new adventures. It’s time to broaden your perspective and try something new. You’ll never know the heights you can reach if you don’t take a chance. Read your full 2024 yearly horoscope.



Monthly Affirmation:“I attract people who love me and I learn from people who don’t.”

Dig deep, because your Aquarius horoscope for August 2024 is challenging you to evolve your relationships. It’s time to let go of the old to make room for the new. Leo season lights up your partnerships zone, and the new moon on August 4 can help you make meaningful commitments to others with confidence. Is there someone you want to feel closer to? A bond that you’d like to take to a deeper level? If you take initiative, you can make it happen. Mercury retrograde starts just after the new moon, so the whole week following is a helpful time to reevaluate your personal boundaries and sort through any tangled emotional webs that are weighing down your psyche.

By mid-month, relationships get pulled into the retrograde mix in a more tangible way, but you can make an important breakthrough around a past issue under the Mercury cazimi on August 18. Keep up the momentum through the full moon the following day, as this powerful lunation takes place in your sign, and it’s pushing you to ditch anything and everything that no longer feels true to you. Shed your old skins and you’ll feel unstoppable. Once the retrograde wraps up on August 28, you’ll feel more comfortable getting vulnerable in your relationship and more capable of working through any resentments that bubbled up from beneath the surface over the past few weeks. Read your full 2024 yearly horoscope.



Monthly Affirmation:“I prioritize my tasks effectively and I have faith in my progress.”

Being productive is never easy when a Mercury retrograde period starts kicking up some chaos, as it will this month—but your Pisces horoscope for August 2024 will bring you the energy you need to make some serious progress in your life. The new moon on August 4 is one of the best times to get things done all month, so use this lunation’s vibe to confidently slay your to-do list and get on top of your responsibilities ahead of the retrograde, which starts later that same night. Love planet Venus will join Mercury in your relationship zone at the same time—so while you may find yourself sorting through past disagreements or miscommunications in love, Venus promises to bring a sense of harmony that helps you keep the peace.

Some intense cosmic clashes will be activating tough-love planet Saturn in your sign mid-month, so you’ll be challenged to stand firm in your boundaries and figure out what’s worth investing in—whether that’s a relationship, a job, or a personal goal. Give yourself time to think in solitude under the full moon on August 19, as the answers you seek probably lie within. After this intense lunation coupled with some of the retrograde shake-ups in your relationships earlier in the month, the last week of August will feel like a breath of fresh air. Communicating your deepest feelings feels a lot easier now, and you’ll be able to focus more attentively on what’s coming up in your closest partnerships. Read your full 2024 yearly horoscope.

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