Monster Hunter Wilds Uses Crafting to Solve the Issue of Players “never being able to get a specific skill”, Unlike Worlds

by Pelican Press
2 minutes read

Monster Hunter Wilds Uses Crafting to Solve the Issue of Players “never being able to get a specific skill”, Unlike Worlds

With almost a month to the release of Monster Hunter Wilds, Capcom has begun to share out some crucial information regarding the game’s progression elements – one of which marks a significant improvement over Worlds.

In a recent Monster Hunter Wilds interview, director Yuya Tokuda and art director Kaname Fujioka discussed these changes, preparing players on what to expect for the February 28, 2025 release.

One of these notable changes involved the procuring of in-game skills.

Skills can be a lot more fluidly unlocked in Monster Hunter Wilds

Monster Hunter Wilds Uses Crafting to Solve the Issue of Players “never being able to get a specific skill”, Unlike Worlds
Monster Hunter Wilds features a lot more flexibility in builds | Image Credit: Capcom

Speaking in an interview with IGN, Yuya Tokida mentioned some interesting pointers for the endgame content in Wilds. In particular, this discussion centered around the use of decorations.

As decorations ultimately affect skill builds, this would naturally affect the gameplay tactics used by the player base as well. Much like Monster Hunter Worlds, Wilds also follows a largely similar system – with decorations holding specific abilities or skills.

monster hunter wild weapons
Monster Hunter Wilds lets players fine tune their combat styles even further | Image Credit: Capcom

Wilds however, makes a major departure from the usual formula here by allowing players to obtain singular decorations for skills using a process such as crafting or alchemy. This greatly increases the scope of the builds on offer – ensuring that players can customize their builds better than ever before.

In particular, this change eliminates the issue of being ‘locked out’ of certain skills in Worlds. Additionally, Wilds also lets players activate weapon and armor skills separately, which should allow for an even greater depth in gameplay.

The duo have yet to share finalized details on the entire process though – which is probably something best kept for the official launch.

Wilds is shaping up to be an exciting release

monster hunter wilds release
Wilds is set to launch very soon | Image Credit: Capcom

The arrival of a new, mainline Monster Hunter is always exciting, and Wilds is not looking to disappoint. In addition to the usual graphical improvements (which are to be expected since this is a current-gen only title), there is a lot more to look forward to.

For starters, the improved weapons should make combat a lot more engaging, especially the addition of a rapid fire to the Light Bowgun. These alternate modes should spice up gameplay, especially in the endgame.

Perhaps one of the more nuanced changes this time around would be a slightly heavier focus on the campaign. The campaign features a much more vibrant cast of characters, and should tell an interesting tale – something to look forward to as a newcomer.

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