One Weapon is Getting Super Popular for Destroying Bug Holes after Latest Patch

by Pelican Press
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One Weapon is Getting Super Popular for Destroying Bug Holes after Latest Patch

In the world of Helldivers 2, where the fate of Super Earth rests on the shoulders of elite soldiers with access to an armory of deadly weapons, the recent Patch 1.001.100 has brought about a seismic shift in the meta. And amidst the flurry of buffs and balance changes, one unlikely hero has emerged from the shadows, ready to take on the bugs and their pesky nests with renewed vigor.

Gameplay screenshot of Helldivers 2 shows a player taking down an Automaton dropship using a weapon.
The update has breathed new life into the game. | Image Credit: Arrowhead Game Studios

Enter the CB-9 Exploding Crossbow, a weapon that has long been overlooked by many Helldivers in favor of more flashy options. But with the latest update, this unassuming tool of destruction has suddenly found itself in the spotlight, thanks to some rather explosive improvements.

The CB-9 Exploding Crossbow: From Zero to Hero

Prior to Patch 1.001.100, the CB-9 Exploding Crossbow was already a decent choice for closing Bug Holes, but it often struggled to keep up with other weapons when it came to dealing with the Terminids themselves. However, the recent changes have transformed this once-niche pick into a versatile powerhouse:

PSA: Explosive Crossbow is very viable nowadays
byu/NoPhilter1999 inhelldivers2

While the original poster laments the Crossbow’s supposed inability to close Bug Holes, rest assured that this is not the case. In fact, the Crossbow has always been a reliable tool for this task in Helldivers 2, and the recent buffs have only made it better at everything else.

byu/NoPhilter1999 from discussion

With its increased explosion radius (+50%) and damage (+133%), the CB-9 Exploding Crossbow is now capable of taking down even the toughest foes with ease. Hulks, Gunships, Chargers, and Bile Titans all fall prey to its mighty bolts, making it a valuable addition to any Helldiver’s arsenal.

Of course, as with any weapon, it’s important to pair the Crossbow with the right tools for the job:

byu/NoPhilter1999 from discussion

By combining the Crossbow with a reliable primary weapon and some well-chosen Stratagems, Helldivers can create a loadout that’s both fun and effective, no matter what the Bugs throw their way!

A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats

Helldivers 2 screenshot showcases two players working together to eliminate an enemy Charger.
Players are clearly having a “blast.” | Image Credit: Arrowhead Game Studios

But the CB-9 Exploding Crossbow isn’t the only weapon that has benefited from Patch 1.001.100. In fact, the update has brought a new level of viability to almost every tool in the Helldivers’ arsenal:

byu/NoPhilter1999 from discussion

This is a far cry from the days when Arrowhead seemed intent on nerfing the fun out of their game in the name of “balance.” In a co-op-focused title like Helldivers 2, where players are working together to overcome the odds, it’s important to give them the freedom to choose their playstyle without feeling like they’re limiting themselves by not “following the meta.”

In this regard, Arrowhead could take a page out of Bungie’s book. The developers of Destiny 2, another co-op-focused shooter, have learned the hard way that nerfing weapons and abilities in the name of balance often does more harm than good. By focusing instead on buffing underperforming options and creating a wide variety of viable builds, they’ve managed to keep their game fresh and engaging for years.

Now that both Arrowhead and Bungie are under the Sony umbrella, perhaps the two studios can learn from each other’s successes and failures. After all, in the fight against the Bugs (or the Darkness), every Helldiver (or Guardian) deserves to feel like a hero, no matter what weapon they choose.

So, what do you think of the CB-9 Exploding Crossbow’s newfound popularity? Have you taken it for a spin since the latest patch, or do you have another favorite loadout that’s been given new life by the update? Let us know in the comments below, and happy hunting, Helldivers!

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