Report: Xbox Considering Pulling Out From Middle-East, Will Only Focus on PC Game Pass & Accessories

by Pelican Press
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Report: Xbox Considering Pulling Out From Middle-East, Will Only Focus on PC Game Pass & Accessories

thesoftware7301d 8h ago (Edited 1d 7h ago )

I partly agree, but…..

“They are hoping that subscribers increase to make up for that loss in sales.”

Absolutely they would like an increase in GP sub, but the offset of dev cost for GP day one 1st party games is selling them on PC, and now on PlayStation, Nintendo.and anything with a they have effectively opened up a stream of revenue that makes sense all around and was not there before Nintendo and Sony (new stream).

It’s not dissimilar to what Sony has done with opening a new revenue stream to support dev cost by bringing 1st party games to PC, after console release, and in some cases(Gaas) day and date, and even one to the Switch now…Sony saw that even individual game sales at $60-$70 were not enough to sustain dev cost, just look to insomniac memos and pressure applied to Bungie. So all companies have a lane and are finding way to sustain and maximize profit.

“just pointing out how just because the money you make specifically from one aspect of business doesn’t matter. It’s the collective)”

Agreed to a small degree, but that is not 100% true…the game division is the game division…so money made off of games sales and subs has a direct effect of the games and services division, including development of new games. I do know what you mean tho, but above speculation from ‘Butt’ lumped all sorts of departments needed to be funded from GP alone, so if he can speculate and you can speculate, then….well you know.

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