State of play on due diligence rules: press conference today at 16.00 | News

by Pelican Press
1 minutes read

State of play on due diligence rules: press conference today at 16.00 | News

When: Wednesday, 28 February 2024, 16.00 CET

Where: European Parliament in Strasbourg, Daphne Caruana Galizia press conference room (WEISS N -1/201)

How: Accredited media representatives can attend the press conference in person. Journalists wishing to ask questions remotely need to connect via Interactio:

The press conference will also be web streamed live and recorded on the Parliament’s Multimedia Centre.

Interpretation will be available in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Polish.


Corporate sustainability due diligence directive would require companies to act to eliminate their negative impact on human rights and the environment, such as on child labour, slavery, pollution or deforestation. They would have to integrate due diligence into their policies and monitor how effective they are. The rules would be enforced by national authorities responsible for investigating and for imposing sanctions on non-compliant companies.

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