The Epic Games Store Wants You to Take a Stand with one of their Free Weekly Games

by Pelican Press
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The Epic Games Store Wants You to Take a Stand with one of their Free Weekly Games

Chocoburger2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Devs want to find the fun.
Execs want to find the micro-trash-actions (which ruin the fun).

Expect this game to release in a rough, sloppy, beta state, then EA offers a fake apology (written by ChatGPT because no one can be arsed to put in the effort themselves), promising to do better. They reveal a great updates road map, then delay the road map multiple times due to ‘complications’, ‘difficulties’, or whatever other random B.S. reason they come up with.

Then another letter written by ChatGPT where they tell us that next time will be the best “Battlefield game yet!” which actually translates to “We’ve found additional ways of adding even MORE micro-trash-actions in the sequel! The executives and investors love the ideas we have come up with!”

And the cycle repeats.

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