The Psychological Impact of Flight Delays on Passengers and Subsequent Compensation Claims

by Pelican Press
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The Psychological Impact of Flight Delays on Passengers and Subsequent Compensation Claims

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Undoubtedly, every traveler expects only the best when deciding to fly somewhere. But sometimes, all plans can be ruined by a notice from an airline company: “Your flight is delayed!”. It can lead to inconveniences such as postponing your plans, changing your stay at the hotel, or completely reorganizing your whole adventure.

Calm and rational passengers have more chances of successfully getting compensation. This is not surprising, as too many emotions can lead to uncontrollable behavior. Moreover, your concentration and critical thinking can be affected if you panic. Understanding all sides of possible situations with flight delays will save you in the future, believe us.

The Psychological Effects of Flight Delays

Passengers can feel a wide range of emotions due to the unpleasant situation. The most common but destructive emotions you can experience are stress, anxiety, anger and frustration. Thinking rationally or being ready to dig into the situation completely is impossible. Learn how you can be affected:

  • Stress and anxiety: As a rule, people stop understanding what is happening and do not control their minds. It leads to full reorganization and incapability of doing something to find the solution. Of course, it is very stressful to understand that your situation is beyond your control. However, no positive outcome can be expected, so it is best not to avoid putting yourself in this position. As the research shows, most of the stress passengers experience during unpredictable situations that ruin all plans, for example, delays or cancellations of flights
  • Anger and frustration: When one can start losing ground underneath one’s feet, others can start feeling the overwhelming rage. There is nothing to be ashamed of; however, such feelings can put you into more unpleasant situations like confrontations with the airport’s staff
  • Long-term psychological effects: Delays cause very unsettling emotions and force all travellers to change their plans. It is one thing when it happens only once, but it is completely another when you are a regular customer and have to experience it frequently. Systematic disorders in your plans can lead to chronic stress, issues with self-control and even depression.


Passenger Reactions and Coping Mechanisms

When hearing about the delays, many thoughts can arise in the passengers’ minds. The most common responses to the distressing note can be:

  • Anger
  • Confusion
  • Stress
  • Panic
  • Impatience.

However, instead of feeling unpowered and anxious, it is best to also take some actions. Those who experience delays tend to do such things immediately:

  • Double-checking the information online
  • Some start to argue with the staff and express their discontent
  • Call relatives or close ones for assistance
  • Communicating with other passengers or staff to find out what to do next
  • If passengers are in a hurry, they may immediately look for another route to reach the final point.

Several things can lower the stress level and keep your mental health in a balance:

  • Do not be afraid to ask for help with explaining the situation or finding a place to spend the night
  • Do what you love the most: listen to music, watch your favourite film or get in touch with your friends
  • Let the professionals help you with the issue: You will distance yourself from the situation and finally rest.

Influence of Psychological Impact on Compensation Claims

Unsurprisingly, when a person feels discontent, frustrated, or stressed, their desire for compensation is immediate. It is a way of getting some sort of revenge and, of course, a payback for all the inconveniences.

The latest trends show that psychological issues only fuel the will to seek compensation more eagerly, especially among those who are more likely to be affected by outside factors and are driven by the feeling of justice. Moreover, data shows that the longer the wait, the more compensation claims there are. Approximately 35% of travellers are content with the help and compensation provided.

Of course, airlines have to deal with all the claims professionally while being calm and concentrated. Some tourists may not like the cold-hearted response and lack of understanding or sympathy. Approximately 63% of clients report that there was not enough feedback or act of care during their compensation claims. That is why it is crucial to not only be professional but also be more human to satisfy the passengers.

Airlines’ Response and Management Strategies

Carriers can do several things to keep the transparency between passengers and their claims:

  • Providing full information, including the reasons for confirmation or denial
  • Updates must be frequent
  • Be more empathic and show that they care.

Singapore Airlines may be a good example, as they always warn their passengers about possible delays. This company understands that their clients have plans and allows them to create a reorginise them.

Compensations are one of the most powerful tools to deal with the different mental states of travellers. It can ease the tension, feel the appreciation and say “sorry” indirectly.

There are different types of compensation that airlines can offer:

  • Refund of funds is one of the most preferred options, as it does not lead to financial losses
  • Vouchers or discounts to be used on future trips with these airlines
  • An upgrade of the seat or free access to the lounge. It will better your experience when you finally get to fly
  • Free meals and accommodation will help make the long wait less noticeable.


The emotional side always impacts our actions and behavior. Hence, knowing not only what can cause delays but also how to cope with the psychological impact can be very important. As a rule, no one is fully ready and understands the causes until it is too late. Preparing yourself mentally will help you ease the consequences on your health and be ready to face the music. Airlines must remember to address the passenger’s discontent correctly by backing it up with fair compensation.

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