‘This Will Be Called the Greater Awakening’: Unite US Organizers Discuss Mighty Move of Holy Spirit

by Pelican Press
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‘This Will Be Called the Greater Awakening’: Unite US Organizers Discuss Mighty Move of Holy Spirit

Since the first Unite US event at Auburn University in the fall, every college campus they’ve traveled to since has seen the same incredible response: hundreds of college students responding to the Gospel message, getting baptized, and dedicating their lives to Jesus Christ. 

CBN News recently spoke to the founder and visionary behind Unite US, Tonya Prewett, and her daughter, author and speaker Madison Prewett Troutt, about how these events got started and what God is speaking to them as they prepare for many more to come across the country.

“This is all a move of God,” explained Prewett. “I’m not capable of doing this, we’re not capable of doing this, it’s the hand of God. It’s way bigger than us.”

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“We’ve seen thousands of students give their hearts to Christ,” continued Prewett. “We’ve seen over 800 baptized and you know, we’re just being obedient, we’re just walking in obedience and God’s gone before us and he’s moving in incredible ways.”

The objective of each Unite gathering is threefold: salvation, freedom and community. So far, events have been held at Auburn University, Florida State University, the University of Alabama, and the University of Georgia.  The next event is taking place on May 1st at the University of Tennessee.

“What I think is so powerful about the whole movement is that it’s been so saturated in prayer, and so the reason it got started in the first place was because my mom was just walking on campus and praying every single day by herself,” explained Prewett Troutt. “And then she started gathering, you know, more people and said, ‘Hey, let’s pray. Let’s pray for revival. Let’s pray for salvation. Let’s pray for repentance. Let’s pray for a move of God to sweep across our college campus.'”

Despite the fact the events are held on secular college campuses, every place Unite US goes they’re finding thousands of students desperate to know Jesus and eagerly jumping into fountains, lakes, and the backs of pickup trucks in order to be baptized.  

“I am no prophet, but what I do feel like God has shown me is this will be called the greater awakening, and this will be something our nation has never witnessed,” Prewett told CBN News. “It’ll be stronger and greater and is being led by college students and typically in the history that’s how it happens, but this one is different.”

One of the keys to the Unite US events is their partnership with local churches that help disciple the students who come to the events and dedicate their lives to Jesus.

“We connect with every pastor in the community, and every campus ministry leader in the community, and we bring them in and so they set up tables, these students can get connected that night,” explained Prewett. “We’ve heard so many testimonies of students who have gotten so plugged into the church, and they’re now serving through their church or leading small groups or discipleship programs post-event, it’s really amazing.”

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Prewett Troutt tells CBN News she believes the partnership with local churches really sets Unite events apart and makes them have a lasting impact on the students who come.

“We want to make sure that these college students get plugged into a local church and that it doesn’t just stop at the event,” said Prewett Troutt.

“It’s not just a, you know, one-time event, but it’s you know, come as you are and leave changed forever and get plugged into a local church, find community, find mentorship, and continue to be discipled,” continued Prewett Troutt. “And so that’s what I really do think makes this so special.” 

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