Where to Find all the Ravens in Astro Bot

by Pelican Press
2 minutes read

Where to Find all the Ravens in Astro Bot

Astro Bot, the latest PlayStation 5 exclusive, has a special stage dedicated to God of War. Called Bot of War (lol), one of the eastereggs related to a trophy in the game asks the player to shoot down 8 ravens. Yes, if you’ve played God of War (2018) and God of War Ragnarok, you’ll feel right at home.

Some of the ravens in Astro Bot are very well hidden and, with this in mind, we decided to prepare this guide to help you in this endeavor!

After collecting all 8 ravens, you’ll get the bronze trophy Eyes of the All-Father!

RELATED: Find out where to find all the secret stages in Astro Bot

Where to find all the Ravens in Astro Bot

Raven #1

The first raven is at the very beginning of the stage, while you’re still flying the Dual Speeder. It will be on the left-hand side.

Where to Find all the Ravens in Astro Bot

Raven #2

On top of a yellow structure with iron “spikes”. You can climb it via a springboard on the left.

Raven #3

The third raven is near Chaurli, the giant turtle from God of War.

Raven #4

The fourth raven is on top of an ice mountain, before we pass through the giant gate to the next area.

Raven #5

At a certain point in the stage, you’ll come across Jörmungandr, the giant snake from God of War. Climb on it and you’ll spot this raven on the cliffs.

Raven #6

This is the easiest Raven to find, it’s next to one of the stage’s checkpoints on the main path.

Raven #7

As soon as you catch the sixth raven, turn around, destroy the ice, use the trampoline and keep breaking the walls until you reach the other side. The seventh raven is flying near a giant tree and he’s carrying one Bot.

Ravens Astro Bot - Tree

Raven #8

The last raven is on top of a small structure that serves as a support for the fallen Mjolnir.

Ravens Astro Bot - Mjolnir

So, what did you think of Astro Bot’s ravens? Did our guide help you out? Let us know in the comments!

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