Xbox Studio Closures ‘Eggs Broken to Make Omelet’ Situation; Great Show Could Mostly Eclipse Anger

by Pelican Press
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Xbox Studio Closures ‘Eggs Broken to Make Omelet’ Situation; Great Show Could Mostly Eclipse Anger

Einhander19724h ago(Edited 3h ago)

Christopher, this isn’t me not understanding what the article is about, it’s you not understanding what I am saying.

If you want me to make excuses for Microsoft’s bad decisions you’re not going to get that or just agree with people who are doing that, it’s not going to happen, nor are you going to convert me into thinking xbox “needs to exist”.

Ya know what, maybe “Microsoft bad”…. maybe their decisions ARE having a negative effect on the industry, and instead of deflecting from their actual actions and making excuses for them we stand up and say “no” “Microsoft is hurting the industry”

And maybe, just maybe, it was so obvious that this was going to be the outcome that even nobodies in comment sections on websites were able to easily predict this outcome, yet Microsoft did it anyway then kept doing and even when it became undeniable that it was having a negative impact on their business and and the industry itself, then they knowingly made even bigger purchases and caused more problems.

And the one thing you’re right about is that I can’t go back in time, but I CAN speak up and try to keep it from happening again…

Maybe if the people who were speaking up 7 years ago were listened too we wouldn’t be having this discussion and Tango and Arkane would still be in business along with all the other people who have lost their jobs due to Microsoft’s actions.

Do you like analogies?

What you’re saying is like an alcoholic crashing their car then trying to explain it by saying it was caused by everything except the fact that they were dunk because they are an alcoholic and don’t want to stop drinking.

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